Prayer For A Worried Mother

Lord, we come to You today on behalf of each mother reading this post. I pray that You would fill them up as they pour out into their children. That You would equip them to be the moms they need to be to each of their children. Holy Spirit help them to recognize the transition times in their children's lives and aid them in walking them through. Guard their hearts and minds in Christ as they walk out this magnificent role of motherhood. In Jesus' name, Amen!

Lord, thank you that You have my son in the palm of Your hand. You know His ups, his downs, his strengths and his weaknesses. I choose to trust YOU to take care of Him as he ventures on His own. I pray that You give Him guidance, vision for His future and the wisdom to make good choices. Let Him hear directly from you, that He would recognize Your voice at a moments notice. I thank you for Your Holy Spirit that lives on the inside of Him, acting as His counselor. Protect his heart, mind and body from this world. In Jesus' name, Amen!

Father, I'm struggling with worry.

I know You say not to worry, but I can't seem to help it. Sorrow is everywhere in this world. Terrorism is in my own backyard. Political lines have created tension in my community and even in my church. Lies have permeated the culture. And there are things to worry about closer to home too, like bullies and frenemies (oh, Lord, You know I've had a few of those). I confess that worry makes me feel like at least I'm doing something, but in reality, I'm draining myself of the strength that comes from placing my cares at Your feet.

Father, help me to not be anxious about my life, my body, what I'll eat or drink, or even what I should wear. I want to believe that life is more than food and my body is more than clothing, but my flesh stands in staunch opposition to Your Spirit.

The next time I'm tempted to worry about whether our next paycheck will cover that unexpected medical bill or the higher rent, help me to look at the birds of the air. Help me notice how they don't reap or gather into barns, because they know You will feed them. These precious creatures are a reminder to me that though You love all You have made, my children and I are even more valuable than they are.

I know I need to take life one day at a time, Lord. But sometimes all the days seem to pile on at once, and I wonder whether Your grace will be enough. Help me to not borrow trouble by worrying about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have enough worries of its own. Jesus, You showed us how to do life best. Help me to not worry about anything, but instead to pray about everything. God, You know my needs already, so I thank You for all You have already done. I want to experience Your peace, which exceeds anything I can understand. I ask that Your peace would guard my heart and my mind in Christ Jesus.

I pray that my children would see a mom who is more warrior than worrier, Lord. Help me to guard my heart against the sin of pride, which keeps me from humbling myself before You. I know You care for me and for my family. Help me to cast all my cares on You in full confidence that You are able to carry them.

Your Word says that a tranquil heart is life to the body. I ask for that life today, Lord. Please give me the grace to seek tranquility instead of trouble.

Thank You, Lord, for the victory You have secured over Satan and sin. Thank You that because of the sacrifice of Jesus, I don't have to be a slave to sin any longer. Thank You for forgiveness in Jesus!

Sometimes I forget that You have already completed the work of forgiveness on my behalf, and I am tempted to doubt Your character. When I'm tempted, please remind me that the temptation isn't from You, for You can't be tempted by evil, and You don't tempt anyone. Give me strength to submit myself to You alone. I trust that Your Word is true and that when I resist the devil, he will flee from me because I am Yours.

Father, I come into Your presence with holy wonder. Your power is beyond my imagining, Your grace is beyond my understanding, and Your love is the most powerful force in all of creation. Help me to not live in fear of an enemy You have already defeated.

There are places in my life where I have allowed the devil to tempt me and even rule over me. At times, I forget that You are bigger than the devil, and I make him bigger in my mind than he is. Please enable me to stand firm against the schemes of the evil one. Help me to put on Your full armor so that I can take my stand against any scheme of the devil.

Help me to trust Your heart, Lord, even in my suffering. Hold me close when the fighting is fierce, even as I hold my children close. I want to paint a picture of Your greatness for my children to see, and I know that they see the picture primarily in the way I live my life.

So, Father, I pray that my life would be lived to bring glory to Youto reflect Your majesty, Your love, Your power, Your forgiveness, Your hope, and Your healing. You have not left me alone in this battle against the evil one. You have equipped me with the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit. Help me to put on the full armor of God so that I can stand firm against the schemes of the devil.

I lift up my eyes to the hills, knowing that my help comes from You.

Dear Father in heaven,

I come before you today with a heart filled with worry. I worry about my children. I worry about their future. I worry about harm coming to them. I worry about failing them as a mom. I worry about so many things. I find myself consumed by my worries. They keep me up at night, and I think about them all during the day.

So I come to you today because you are my Maker and Creator. You know my frame, my weaknesses, and my frailties. You know my inward thoughts. You know my sin. You know when a sparrow falls from the sky and know the number of hairs on my head. You know all things, and you also rule over all things. You are the King of Kings the ruler of the universe. You sustain all things, and by your word everything is held together.

But you are not a distant ruler; you are my Abbamy Father. Through Christ, I have been adopted into your family. I have the privilege of coming before you, and you hear me. Because you are my Father, you don't want me to worry. I know that such worry is sinful because it keeps my heart distracted and turned from you. Forgive me for worrying. Forgive me for looking to my worries rather than seeking you. Forgive me for all the ways that I seek to control the things I worry about. Forgive me for trying to find peace in anything apart from you.

I know that you love me as much as you love your Son, Jesus. Help me to remember that and dwell on it. Help me to see just how much you love and provide for meso much so that you gave me your Son. Help me to look at and truly see all the ways that you watch over and care for me and my family. Help me to rejoice in that and to give you thanks.

Hear my prayer today and all the cares that are on my heart. I entrust them into your hands, knowing that you will do what is good and right and best, for you are a good Father. Take my worries and give me your peace in return.

Because of Jesus I pray. Amen.

Dear Lord,

My mind is cloudy. My emotions are high. Part of me wants to run and hide and the other part wants to go to any extreme necessary to save my child from this struggle.

Help me, Lord, to respond and not react. Clear my mind, calm my heart, and renew my spirit. Let my words and actions be wise and measured. Help me think before I speak and pray before I make a move.

You aren't the author of confusion because confusion comes from the enemy. Help me and my child see Your truth clearly in this situation, trust Your timing, and find rest in the peace from You that surpasses all understanding.

In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Dear Lord,

I'm struggling with uncertainty. I crave security, but everything seems so fragile relationships, circumstances, and life. It scares me to see my child broken. I want to fix this problem in his life, yet I can't. I'm realizing how little control I have and how desperately I need You.

I praise you, God, for being a rock. You never change, and that's my comfort. I know today's trial is just a part of my child's story, not the end of his story. I know you have a great plan for him, one that can ultimately bring good from this struggle and turn his pain into joy.

I place my hope in You and cling to Your promises. Although the world is uncertain, I'm certain You are in control. Thank you for the hope of heaven that we receive through Jesus. I pray His light shines brightly in this dark season to guide me and my child toward You.

In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

My Papa in Heaven,

I come to you with a heart heavy and full of so many worries and cares. I want to just curl up on your lap and find some peace from the chaos in my life. My worries fill my mind night and day. My stomach is in knots and I can hardly breathe. I feel like I am drained dry; the joy has been sucked right out of me.

But you said to come to you with all my burdens. You said that you will carry them. You tell us you are a rock, a shield, a fortress. I need a rock right now. I need a fortress to run into right now. I need you.

There are so many decisions to make. What if I make the wrong one? So many bad things loom on the horizon. What if I'm not prepared? Help me to focus my heart on you and not on the giants around me. I know that all these worries are keeping me from trusting you. Like Peter, instead of looking toward your face, I am looking around at the waves encircling me.

Forgive me for doubting and not living a life of trust. I believe, but please help my unbelief! I know that when I worry, I am believing a lie that says that I can control what happens in my life. Forgive me for trying to control something I never really had control of. Help me to trust in your word and not the lies.

You sent your Son to carry my greatest burden at the cross. I know that you can handle all that troubles me today. There is nothing too great for you, the earth is your footstool and the wind and rain come and go at your command. Free me of this worry today. Help me to trust the same grace that saved me at the cross to save me from all that weighs me down.

I know that you have a perfect plan for my life. Help me to walk by faith and not by sight. I want to trust in your plan and your love for me. I want to face the unknown future confident that you have it under control. Grant me the grace I need.

Thank you for Jesus and that because of him I can come to you in confidence. You accept me as I am, worries and all. I give them all to you now, in Jesus's name, Amen.