Prayer For Work Problems

Dear Lord, I confess the burden I carry at work, it feels too heavy, too cumbersome to lift, to carry daily. Please come and give me freedom from this weight, change the circumstances of this situation, free my heart and mind from the anxiety it causes. Give me wisdom to know how to resolve, manage or walk away from this worry. I come to you, my Lord, my Saviour, my comforter and my friend. I know you are with me. I am not alone, I need not fear. Amen.

Dear Lord, I worship and adore You because Your Word declares that I can cast all my burdens on You because You care for me. I am grateful for who You are and all that You do for me. It is because of You that I can go to work each day unphased by the last. It is because of Your love that I can be renewed in strength after an intense shift. Thank You Lord, Amen.

Heavenly Father, I thank You for being with me wherever I go! I know that even in my workplace I can be strong and courageous because You are with me. I thank You because I am never alone nor forsaken. Lord I pray that I remember that I am always walking with Your light. So Lord, help me shine it in my workplace; this is the prayer of my heart, Amen.

Righteous God, I thank You for Your Word that reminds me that, I can be still and know that You are God. So Lord, in the midst of chaos within my work environment, I acknowledge that You are God. When I leave my home, You are God. I thank You for being my everlasting Father and my eternal comfort. In You I find peace regardless of what my work environment feels and looks like, Amen.

Eternal God, I pray that when I enter the workplace, I work willingly in all that I do. I pray that although I may not like my job or although it may be hard, let my mind be focused on You. Father, I pray right now that I work as though I am for You rather than people. I know that my reward is not on earth but can be found with You in heaven, Amen.

Righteous God, I know that You came to save Your people out of life challenges and to offer to us compassion. Therefore Lord, I will trust in You and will not be afraid, because You God are my salvation. In this work situation, I declare that You are my daily strength and my song. In You there is victory. So Father, I pray this prayer of thanks, knowing that You will always make a way, Amen.

Dear Father, I accept that I am weak right now. But I boast in it because Your power is made great in my weaknesses. I thank You Lord because even in my weakness, your grace is sufficient for me. Father, help me to not rely on myself, but on Your divine power when I enter my workplace. I pray that I remember that although I feel weak, You have made me strong. I give You all the glory and honor, Amen.

Dear Lord, I thank You for the authority that You have given me (Your child). Although I am not in the highest managerial role, I pray that I will remember that You give power to the weak and strength to the powerless. Thank You for empowering me at all times, even in my workplace. I pray that You drive out all fear from me in Jesus' Name, I pray, Amen.