Prayer For Wedding Day

Dear Heavenly Father,

Please help us to grow. Give us the wisdom to put aside our desires for those things that we know to be good.

Grant us the strength to exercise the areas of our lives where we lack. Give us a focus and the perseverance to run.

May we step out in faith rather than sitting around waiting for motivation to move us. We know what we should be doing, and we know what we should be changing, but we're lacking self-discipline. Give us the wisdom to grow and the strength to move forward.


Heavenly Father we come before you to thank you for all you have done and continue to do in our lives and marriage. We come before you today, God, asking for a stronger bond of unity in our marriage covenant.

Father we ask that you will give us the ability to be a united front for you letting nothing come between us.

Help us, Father to identify and work through anything that is not pleasing to you so we can continually reach higher levels of unity in our marriage spiritually, physically, and mentally.

We are thankful and excited to see the work of your hand as we do our best to seek your face daily. We love you and thank you for all of these things.

We thank you, O God, for the Love You have implanted in our hearts. May it always inspire us to be kind in our words, considerate of feeling, and concerned for each other's needs and wishes. Help us to be understanding and forgiving of human weaknesses and failings. Increase our faith and trust in You and may Your Prudence guide our life and love. Bless our Marriage O God, with Peace and Happiness, and make our love fruitful for Your glory and our Joy both here and in eternity.

Father, your greatest command was to love You and love each other. You've given marriage as a holy relationship that reflects our relationship with You. Show us how to follow your example and set aside our selfishness and pride and humbly serve each other. Help us to be of one spirit and of one mind and value each other above ourselves, looking out for each other's interests. In the midst of our busy lives, help us take time to love each other deeply from the heart, as you have loved us. May the love we have for each other be an example to the world of how You love them and gave Your life for them.

As we begin our new life together, the future looks bright. Thank you for all the joys and adventures you have in store. Let us take hold of the abundant life you promise, savoring every blessing and praising your name through it all.

Even as we rejoice in your gifts, prepare us to meet the challenges we'll face. Give us courage to tackle hardship and struggles without giving up. Teach us to work as a team so we can overcome every difficulty side by side. Fill us with mercy and compassion when we suffer grief and loss. Let us find greater strength in life togetherand with youthan we could know alone. Amen.


You're the source of all we have. Teach us to depend on you, believing, the eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food at the proper time. You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing. (Psalm 145:15-16) Let us hold on to childlike faith as we trust youour Father--to provide for all our needs.

Let us be content with your gifts, free from worry, greed, and jealousy. Guard our hearts from craving more and more so we're grateful and joyful all the time. In times of difficulty or want, grow our faith in you as our Father, Giver, and Friend. Be the strength of our heart and our portion forever. (Psalm 73:26) Amen.

As we begin our journey of marriage, we commit our physical, emotional, and spiritual selves to you. Fill us with strength to work hard and build a home together. Protect us from illness and injury. Give us wisdom and self-control to honor our bodies as temples of your Spirit. Teach us to love by nourishing, nurturing, and shielding each other from harm.

Humble our hearts to depend on you when we face trials of weakness and pain. Bring encouragement when we're sick at heart and low in spirit. Sustain us with energy in times of fatigue and stress. Show us how to care for one another patiently, serving as your hands of healing and help. May we praise your name in both sickness and in health, trusting you're in control. Amen.


We thank you for uniting us in marriage today. The joy of our love is a priceless gift from your hand. Just as you keep your covenant of love to us, may we keep our vows to one another and to you. Make us like Jesus, who is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does. (Psalm 145:13)

Give us strength to hold fast to each other all the days of our life. Sustain an unshakeable resolve to overcome doubt, temptation, and fear when our bond is tested. Use our marriage to testify to the world that your love never fails. Amen.