Prayer For Wedding Preparation

Dear Lord, I am praying to you to help me in preparing for our wedding. My husband and I are having problems in our finances and I worry that I may not plan and budget our wedding well. My husband does not approve of all my suggestions and I'm having a hard time looking for possible cheap suppliers.

I really don't know what to do now. I always tell him that if he's not ready to shell out some money for our wedding, it's just fine with me. We might as well cancel our wedding plans. But he would always say that he wants to push through with it. I am not longing for a grand wedding. I just want a simple and memorable one but getting married here is really costly. We've been together for 15years and I even never thought that he'll have plans of marrying me.

Though it will be my privilege to receive our Lord's blessing in the sacrament of marriage. Please help me Lord. Please bring to me to people who are going to be a big help for this wedding. If this will push through, I hope everything will turn out fine and beautiful. I leave it all up to you my Lord.

Please bless and enlighten my husband on this preparation. Thank you.

Dear Heavenly Father, I am excited that the time of our wedding is coming nearer, but I'm also stressed out because of all of the things we have yet to do to get ready. You know how much I want the wedding to be beautiful and memorable. Here are the specific parts of our wedding that I most want to work out well (insert specific parts.)

I pray that you will clear my mind, restore me with rest and show others how to help me in the ways I feel I most need help and support today. Give me the ability to communicate my needs and concerns in clear and helpful ways.

But most importantly, amid all of the activities and deadlines, help me not to lose focus of the joy in heaven surrounding the mysterious joining together of two lives as it says in your Word, For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh (Genesis 2:24). Enlarge my vision to see beyond the wedding day to the new lifetime before me. Let me remember that however beautiful the wedding might be, it is not the end in itself but instead an entry way into a new life partnership. Amen

Dear Heavenly Father, as (names) prepare to exchange their vows in the near future, we would like to ask for your presence in their lives to strengthen. We pray that love will remain the fundamental key to success in their marriage. We pray for a marriage built on honesty, respect, commitment, forgiveness and endurance. May love inspire all these things to grow in their marriage. We pray that they will communicate with each other in a way that reflects their heart, especially during the stress of planning and preparation. May they listen patiently and let love lead. Amen!

Lord, thank you that you want us to cast our cares on you. Thank you that there is nowhere I can go that you are not there with me. Even during this hectic and stressful wedding season, I thank you for having a hold of my life, even as I feel like everything is crumbling around me.

Lord, I confess that I have let stress take a hold of my life, rather than You. I have let stress control my mood, my attitudes and my actions. I do not want to become the bridezilla, but rather keep this an event that celebrates You. Lord, I repent of this! Please Father, help me see what is stressful in my life and hand it over to You. Help me not let the stress win out. Help me actively think on Your goodness to me.

Help me live boldly in the truth of Your goodness and power today. Thank You, Lord. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Father, as we prepare for this wedding, we ask that You would be our most honored guest. When Jesus attended His friends' wedding in Cana, He demonstrated both His power and His attention to detail by supplying what was lacking. Father, please see to it that any details we might be neglecting or any unforeseen challenges or issues be covered by your mighty power and great care. We rejoice in this celebration to come. We pray for protection over each traveler. And we pray for loving interactions between each of us, even when we feel the stresses that undoubtedly come with an event like this. More than anything, we ask for the Holy Spirit's presence! Marriage was Your idea, Lord, and a beautiful wedding is a wonderful way to begin a brilliant marriage. Amen.

Lord Jesus, please impart to me your peace. Prince of peace give me a divine release and help me relinquish control. God, help me not be overwhelmed and overtaken by all of the wedding details. Please intervene and take control of that which is beyond my control. Help me to enjoy this our wedding day and not be a bridezilla. Father in heaven, give me the groom a compassionate, tender, supportive, understanding, and nurturing heart. Help us to grow together day by day through it all and remain honorable in all we say and do. Let our love be preeminent above all else. Reveal to us your love and life God, so we can live by a higher law and not be limited by the minuscule matters here below. Show yourself strong God when we are weak. We vow to give You all of the glory for every victory. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Heavenly Father, the wedding details and planning is overwhelming as You know. Please have mercy on us and help us through it all. You instituted and encourage marriage in Your Word. We are endeavoring to love and obey You. As we do and plan for our wedding, please kindly empower, undergird, and uphold us. Please help us inwardly to experience a breakthrough rather than be broken down by all of the planning and preparations. Give us Your glorious and radiant Holy Spirit to embody and personify what marriage is truly all about. Fill us to overflowing with your divine love so we can be the light of the world. Thank you for giving us each other to love and brighten each other's days. Help us to always honor and respect one another. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

"Dear Lord, please help me to be humble, self-aware, and selfless in my love toward others. As we prepare for holy matrimony, prepare my heart and establish me in your holiness. Forgive me hurtful things done and said. Please kindly cleanse and forgive me. Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me. Help me to experience the love of my heavenly Father and mold me to be more like you. Holy Spirit help me to love myself and others unconditionally. Enable me to be loving, kind, peaceable, and compassionate. In Jesus' Name. Amen."