Prayer For Victims

Loving God, be with all men and women who are in doubt about their intimate relationships. Give them clarity of mind and peaceful hearts so that they can make good decisions guided by Your love. Let those who must, discern any abuse that may exist so that they can learn to care for themselves with Your help. Let those who must, acknowledge that they are harming the other, so they can learn to abhor their own behavior and come to true repentance and amendment of life. Keep us all safe in our relationships. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Holy Lord, almighty and eternal God, hear our prayers for your servants, whom you have summoned out of this world. Forgive their sins and failings and grant them a place of refreshment, light, and peace. Let them pass unharmed through the gates of death to dwell with the blessed in light, as you promised to Abraham and his children for ever. Accept them into your safekeeping and on the great day of judgment raise them up with all the saints to inherit your eternal kingdom.

Lord our God, you are always faithful and quick to show mercy. Our brothers and sisters were suddenly and violently taken from us. Come swiftly to their aid, have mercy on them and comfort their families and friends by the power and protection of the Cross.

Loving Father,
Please comfort and care for victims of crime and enable us to be Your feet and hands and mouth as we minister to them in Your name. You are the Great Physician and healer of all. You create healing in our bodies, our minds, and our spirit when we are wounded. You redeem us through Your Son. By Your stripes we are healed. By faith in You we are made whole.

We pray for justice, healing, reparation and reconciliation for all victims of crime.
Help us to help the wounded, to take them to the Inn of healing, to bind up their wounds, and give them all they need to get better, instead of bitter.

Gracious Father we pray for the families and friends of those in prison, that you will provide for them and comfort them. Please sustain and heal the relationships that are fractured by separation. Encourage those who are in need to reach out and seek help and hope.

Father of Mercy, the secrets of all hearts are known to you alone. You know who is just and you forgive the unjust. You alone are the Almighty Judge and we, because of our sin, are not worthy to judge anyone. Your grace and mercy is sufficient.
Holy Spirit, we pray that offenders will come to their senses' like the lost son (Luk 15:17) and that you will give them a way of escape from sin (1 Co 10:13).
Transform them, renew their minds, grant them repentance and cause them to believe in you. Give them patience and hope in their sufferings, and bring them home again soon. Let them trust in Jesus Christ and live with hope.

We pray that all offenders will make amends for the harm they caused, with restitution and reparation, so that they will find a home in our community.

We ask for your blessings for those who support offenders and victims of crime in our communities. We gather together and stand united with them. We are indeed united in the journey towards healing for all those affected by crime. When one of us is hurting after a robbery, a rape, or a murder we all hurt as a community.
We pray for the restoration of offenders into our community and that we, your people, will do all we can to make righteousness flow like a never ending stream.

Jesus, we pray especially for your church, that it will be a beacon of hope and healing for all those affected by crime.

Thank you for all staff and volunteers, who dedicate their time to care for victims and offenders. We pray that their work will be fruitful and that you will refresh them. We pray that among them your people will be beacons of hope, in whom Christ is manifest, and through whom a defence for the hope that we have is proclaimed.

For Jesus' sake and in whose mighty name we pray. Amen

Jesus, by becoming human you have elevated the human body to the dignity of divinity. Sadly, there are among us those whose bodies have been savaged by the very ones who have been called to serve and protect them. These crimes cry out for justice and for healing, and we raise our voices in prayer for the healing of our brothers and sisters. We acknowledge that by our silence and our blindness we are complicit in these crimes and sins, and we ask for forgiveness.

Lord Jesus, during your life on earth you were known as a healer of bodies, minds and spirits. Send your healing Spirit upon these brothers and sisters of ours that they may begin to experience some light, peace and joy in this life.

Pour your Spirit of peace into the hearts of their families - parents, brothers and sisters, spouses and children - that they may recover a sense of your presence in their lives.

And make us all more sensitive to the need to protect our children from those who might harm them that your Body here on earth may be made whole to the glory of God.


Jesus, I pray for all people who are victims of senseless violence. For those who are killed in war, both members of the military and innocent civilians, Jesus help them. For people killed by random shootings in public places, both in the U.S. and abroad, help us to solve the root problems that lead to these tragedies.

Please be with families in domestic abuse situations everyday, and help those victims, especially children, with a way out. Jesus, thank you for the peace in our homes and communities but help us to be mindful and pray for all who suffer in other places. Lord here our prayer.

Loving God, you are the author and sustainer of our lives. You know the anguish of the sorrowful, you are attentive to the prayers of the brokenhearted. Hear your people who cry out to you in their need; strengthen their hope in your lasting goodness.

We pray today for those who have died because of violence, of terrorism. Draw them to yourself; let your face shine upon them. May they be greeted with choirs of angels and experience your eternal peace and joy.

Be near to all those who have been touched by violence: those who have been hurt, lost their loved ones or lost their sense of security. Be for them a steady comfort and safe resting place.

Soften the hearts and steady of the minds of those who would do violence to others. May hate be replaced with love, violence with peace and darkness with your light.


God of endless love,
ever caring, ever strong,
always present, always just:
You gave your only Son
to save us by the blood of his cross.

Gentle Jesus, shepherd of peace,
join to your own suffering
the pain of all who have been hurt
in body, mind, and spirit
by those who betrayed the trust placed in them.

Hear the cries of our brothers and sisters
who have been gravely harmed,
and the cries of those who love them.
Soothe their restless hearts with hope,
steady their shaken spirits with faith.
Grant them justice for their cause,
enlightened by your truth.

Holy Spirit, comforter of hearts,
heal your people's wounds
and transform brokenness into wholeness.
Grant us the courage and wisdom,
humility and grace, to act with justice.
Breathe wisdom into our prayers and labors.
Grant that all harmed by abuse may find peace in justice.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Dear Lord,
We pray for victims of violence and their families, that they may experience our love and support and find comfort in your compassion and in the promise of eternal life.

We also hold in prayer all of the times that we have experienced harm, in any form.

Grant us the courage to seek out restorative encounters to bring about your vision of healing
and unity that we, your people, may no longer be divided by the hurt we cause one another in our brokenness.
Help us practice forgiveness in the small things, so we may embody Your spirit of a more restorative justice in the big things.
