Prayer For Ushers And Greeters

Lord Jesus, You welcome those who seek you
with a kindness and gentleness that wins souls.
You welcomed conversation with the Samaritan woman.
You welcomed the lame, the blind, the broken.
You were a friend of sinners that the self-righteous people rejected.
You displayed the greatest love of all,
that you laid down your life for your friends.

As people come to church, help me to be kind to them.
Help me to give them a welcome that is worthy of your Name.
Help me to display kindness in a way that will prepare the way for them
to encounter Jesus in his word, body and blood.
Help me to set aside my preoccupations and worries and focus on them.

Allow kindness to show forth in me,
blocking all negative judgment because of what a guest wears,
apparent social status, or ethnic background.
Allow kindness to show forth in as I greet each and every person who walks in the door.
Allow kindness to help me see an unspoken need and meet it today.

Let my ways be pleasing in your sight.
May the kindness I share help a person calm down from a stressful morning,
a nervous first time visitor to feel safe,
and share an expression of Your love for someone who needs it today.
May the kindness I show help everyone who enters today be at peace.

As I walk in kindness today,
I will bless each guest and member who walks into our church.
I want to help them to experience your presence.
In Your Name,

Lord, In your love you gather

your people this day,
help me to serve them

in a Christ-like manner,
even as your son Jesus

served those who gathered about him.

Make me prayerful, patient,

helpful and understanding,
and may I radiate the joy that

faith brings as I serve their needs.

Give me your strength to support my fellow ministers.

May all who assemble to celebrate our common faith in the Risen Savior
be glad of heart for being here

and for having encountered your Son
in one another,

in our priest,

at the tables of

the book and the bread,
and through the ministry

of ushers like me.

I ask this in Jesus' name, Amen.

Loving Father, creator of the universe,
You call your people to worship,
To be with you and one another at Mass.
I thank you for having called me
To assist others in their prayer to you.
May I be worthy of the trust placed in me
And through my example and service
Bring others closer to you. Amen.


You are the Good Shepherd. You are kind. You welcome those who seek you with a kindness and gentleness that wins souls. You welcomed conversation with the Samaritan woman. You welcomed the lame, the blind, the broken. You were a friend of sinners that the religious people rejected. You displayed the greatest love of all, that you laid down your life for your friends

A Church Greeter Prayer
As people come to my church, help me to be kind to them. Help me to give them a welcome that is worthy of your Name. Help me to display kindness in a way that will prepare the way for them to hear God's word proclaimed in our church gathering. Help me to set aside my preoccupations and worries and focus on them, so that my reward my be great.

Allow kindness to show forth in me, blocking all negative judgment because of what a guest wears, apparent social status, or ethnic background.

Allow kindness to show forth in as I greet each and every person who walks in the door of my church.

Allow kindness to help me see an unspoken need and meet it today.

Let my ways as a church greeter be pleasing in your sight. May the kindness I share help a person calm down from a stressful morning, a nervous first time visitor to feel safe, and share a tangible expression of Your love for someone who needs it today. May the kindness I show help everyone who enters today be at peace.

I clothe myself in kindness today, as chosen child of God. I want to see each person who enters our church through the filter of kindness. I will not dishonor a guest by ignoring them. I will not be angry at a guest for wearing inappropriate clothing. I will not judge the length of hair or the placement of piercings. I will protect their integrity and show them hope. I will not judge them by the color of their skin.

As I walk in kindness today, I will bless each guest and member who walks into our church. I want to help them to experience your presence.

In Your Name,


God of Love, thank you for everyone who volunteers to be an usher or greeter at CPC! They are the front-line' of our church, but really they are your face at our doors! We pray that your spirit continues to fill them with hospitality and grace as they meet people at the door each week. Give them words of comfort and welcome, and the ability to know which words each person needs to hear as they come in to our church. God call new members of our congregation to help the ushers and greeters as they need it. Lord be with this ministry at CPC! Amen.

Our heavenly Father, We want to take this precious moments that you have given us this morning to say thank you for the gift of life and for allowing us to have a fellowship today.

As we start the program of this day which is guided by the ushers of our church, we want to thank you Lord for guiding and leading us.

Thank you for the Holy Spirit that is in our midst and teaching us what is the will that you have in Jesus Christ.

As we start be with us and also continue revealing to us how to walk in your statutes.Thank you our Redeemer for the promises that is sure in our life. Be with us always and we give you honor and glory for your love in Jesus name we pray and believe. Amen

Our dear loving Father who is in heaven, we want to take thank you for opportunity you given us to see another miracle day in our lives , it is a great honor to congregate during this day as we celebrate the ushers of this church,

In your word you say...For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.(Psalms 84:10), this noble job the ushers have a chosen is the church is a blessings in life,

King of kings we have always yearned to see this day and without saying much we know that at the end of the day everyone who managed to find time to come and grace the occasion will be blessed.

As we start the the program of the day,we want to request the Holy Spirit to abide with us until we finish for we know Lord you love us,

Thank you for hearing and answering our prayer we ask in the name of our Lord Jesus,


Our Father and savior, what a joy to see this day in our lives,thank you for your faithfulness and goodness upon our us. Dear Father and Lord, we have congregated to share your love and as we fellowship together during this usher's day, we want to as you to be with us. Lord, as we start this program, may you guide us and be with us all through until we finish.

Thank you for hearing and answering our prayer in Jesus name, we pray and believe.Amen