Prayer For Trump Today

Our Dear Heavenly Father, we are grateful, this day, to be gathered together with representatives from many faiths, united in prayer to appeal to thee thy mercy and grace, and helping us and our nation.

We are grateful to be in a country where we have the right to exercise our religious beliefs. And we pray and cherish that those freedoms that we have will be protected and not be diminished.

We are united in prayer today to ask a special blessing of deliverance deliverance from this pandemic that has covered the Earth in a devastating sickness. We ask that our doctors, nurses, and caregivers can be blessed with special protection in recognition of their sacrifices and hard work.

Please bless our scientists and doctors to develop effective treatments for those who are sick and who may become sick. We pray that a safe and effective vaccine can be developed quickly to protect us, so that life can return to normal.

Bless the leaders of this great nation to be inspired by thee, to have wisdom and judgment to make good decisions and to get the economy running again. Amplify their talents.

Bless our leaders to work together in harmony and unity to do what is best for the citizens of this nation.

We pray for those that mourn for lost loved ones and ask that you send thy Holy Spirit to comfort them and give them assurance that they can be reunited again through the power of our savior Jesus Christ's resurrection.

We know that without thy strengthening help, we will fail. But with thy help and tender mercies, we can do all things and we will not fail.

We pray we can look to thee in every thought, doubt not, and fear not.

We love thee, Heavenly Father, and we call down the powers of Heaven to help us, unite us, and deliver us from these troubled times.

I say these things in deep gratitude for all of our blessings in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, our healer and redeemer.


To the eternal sovereign God of creation, You have summoned your people, once again, to prayer. And the presiding Bishop of the Church of God in Christ and the membership of our organization around the world has, for the last 12 weeks, been joined together interceding for the deliverance of our nation and our world that God would deliver us from the coronavirus pandemic and all of other debilitating plagues present in our world.

We believe that the suffering and the loss of life, which continues to threaten the socioeconomic and geopolitical balance of our country can be curtailed when the people of God pray.

You said in Psalms 107: He will send His word to heal and deliver us from destruction.

Our systems are broken, no longer trusted, nor effective, because we have strayed from your commandments. And our people are wounded, ailing, bewildered, frustrated by empty promises.

We need you to transform us to the likeness of your Son, Jesus the Christ. We need your word of healing that will restore confidence in our justice system that will reflect fairness and provide rehabilitation for redeemable offenders. We need your word to heal that promise quality early childhood education and equitable distribution of opportunities for wealth-building for blacks, browns, and disadvantaged whites.

We need your word of healing that will speak to the physical, emotional, and spiritual deficiencies of our nation; your word that will cause us to recognize we are all God's children and He has called us to love and good works.

You declared a house divided against itself will self-destruct. So, Father, have mercy on us as we repent today for our miscarriage of justice. I repent of all offenses and disobedience of our nation to your commandments, and humbly seek your forgiveness and pray for mercy that you will deliver us from this evil affliction of the coronavirus.

And grant to our President, Mr. Trump, the Vice President, Congress, and the religious leaders of our nation your divine insight to navigate this pandemic, in the name of Jesus Christ the Savior.

And we pray divine comfort for the grieving families of those that have been lost and those that are yet struggling with the affliction inflicted by this virus. We pray your comfort, your deliverance, and your peace.

In Jesus's name, thank God. Amen.

Lord, let that be the cry today, and let that be your answer. Lord, enough coronavirus, enough to death, enough to fear, enough to poverty. Stay thine your hand.

We pray over President Trump and First Lady, Vice President and Second Lady, and this administration. I declare Psalm 89, verse 21: Let your hand establish President Trump, and let your arm strengthen him. I declare Psalm 98:1 that your right hand and your holy arm will give Him victory. We declare victory in the name of Jesus.

Isaiah 58:11 says: Guide him continually. And you said in Psalm 78:72 that you would guide him by the skillfulness of your hand.

You declared in Psalm 43 that send out your light and truth and let him lead his household, his administration, in the name of Jesus.

Now, Lord, we pray for your mercies, for they are new every single day. And every morning, your mercies are new. Your steadfast love never ceases. I declare new mercies for hospital workers, new mercies for doctors and nurses, moms and dads, pastors and clergies, CEOs and employers, for the President and Vice President.

God, your love is steadfast and it endures forever. So right now, wrap your arms of love around every person who is hurting, every person who is confused, scared, tired, weary sick, lonely. Let them know your love. Let them know that you will never leave them and you will never forsake them.

And in conclusion, I declare Isaiah chapter 43, verse 19: I ask the Lord to do a new thing in our nation by giving waters in the wilderness and streams in the desert.

Malachi 4:2 says: Jesus, arise over the nation with healing in your wings.

President, one last word: Like David, who had had victory, after victory, after victory, after victory, would face his biggest battle it was called Ziklag. And they would take his wives and his children, and the city would be burned down. And he cried and he wept, and he began to pray out to God. And God gave him a word.

And through fasting and praying, I believe this is the word for you and for this nation: The Lord spoke to him and said: Pursue and go after them, and you shall, without fail, recover all.

Sir, the word of the Lord, I believe, for this nation and for this administration is: You will recover all.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Dear Heavenly Father, I ask you to grant us, in this moment, to be in your most holy presence. In the presence of our mother Mary, of Saint Joseph, our protector and guide, of all the angels and of all the saints, I ask you to please grant us the grace to be one in body and in spirit, all of your children of the Earth. Please be with us so that with one voice, with the voice of the Church, we may pray together to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Jesus, Son of God, you were sent by the Father to bear our weakness. Be with us in this time of crisis. Merciful savior, heal and comfort the sick, so that with health restored, they may give you praise.

Divine physician, accompany our caregivers so that serving You with patience, they may heal wisely. Eternal wisdom, guide our leaders so that seeking remedies, they may follow Your light. Christ, the anointed, protect us in body and spirit so that freed from harm, we may be delivered from all affliction.

Beloved Son of the Father, grant us the grace to grow in love for Him, that we may love the Lord our God with all of our heart, with all of our mind, and with all of our strength. You who live in reign, in the unity of God the Father with the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

We thank you, Father, for this moment. We thank you for your love for us. We ask you, in the name of Christ our Lord, to bless us with His most precious blood, to bless our nation, to bless our world. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

"O Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, You who made the heaven and earth and have brought us to such a time as this, hear our prayer. We come to seek Your face and ask Your blessing for the President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, his house and all those under his authority. Give Your good Spirit to instruct President and First Lady Melania Trump. Give Your manna for their mouths and water for their thirst. May President Trump bless the LORD Who has given him counsel and instructs his heart in the night seasons. God of Angel Armies, light President Trump's lamp that no darkness can surround him. Keep him, Oh Lord, from the hands of the wicked; preserve him from violent and deceitful men who have purposed to make his steps stumble. Instruct President Trump, and teach him the way he should go.

Lord God of Israel, guide President Trump with Your eye and order his steps. Give him the tongue of the learned, that he should know how to speak. Give him the gift of the Watchman: the ability to hear Your voice and see into the spiritual realm. Guide President Trump with Your counsel that afterward You will receive him to glory. May Your Word be a lamp to President Trump's feet and a light to his path. Let Your good hand of justice and mercy lead President Trump, and let Your right hand hold him. President Trump's heart plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps. This also comes from the LORD of Hosts Who is wonderful in counsel and excellent in guidance. President Trump's ears shall hear a word behind him, saying, ""This is the way, walk in it,"" whenever he turns to the right hand or whenever he turns to the left. Lord God of Israel, You will lead President and Melania Trump in paths they have not known. You make darkness light before them and crooked places straight. These things You will do for President and Melania Trump. You will not forsake them. Thus says the LORD, President Trump's Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: ""I am the LORD his God, Who teaches him to profit, Who leads him by the way he should go."" LORD, guide President Trump continually, and satisfy his soul in drought, and strengthen his bones. Make President Trump like a watered garden and like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail. There is nothing covered, not enemies, strategies, counsels, or weapons, which will not be revealed to President Trump. The hidden things will be made known to him, including the plans of our enemies and every terrorist plot will be known. His house and this nation will be secure in all things; no word spoken against the United States of America shall prosper. Every plot formulated in the hearts of men to disrupt the security of this nation through manipulation or terrorist attack in America shall be cast down.

God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, give to President Trump the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You. Christ Jesus, become for President Trump wisdom from God, righteousness, sanctification and redemption. As Watchmen we declare the power of the cross and the blood of Jesus over Donald J. Trump, his house and all under his authority. Amen."

Dear Lord,

We thank you that no matter who is in office you are sovereign over all. We thank you for the system of leadership and governing we have in the United States, and we pray for wisdom in the upcoming primaries and elections. But we pray specifically today for our current president; we pray that President Trump would draw near to youthat he would seek you above all other things. We pray that you would be an undeniable presence in his life, and we pray for godly leadership over our country.

Lord, please pour your grace over the people in this country. May the people President Trump governs learn to love each other more; may we listen to each other even when there are many differences. May we stand up for what is right and stand against what is wrong according to what you have made clear in Scripture. Give us bold spirits and tongues that proclaim grace and truth, spoken in love. We pray this same attitude for our president that he might ignore the impulse and temptation for harsh responses and choose compassionate ones instead.

God our Father, you know how we are all tempted daily and that we sin against you every day; we thank you that Christ has died for our past, present, and future sins. Holy Spirit please protect President Trump against the many temptations that come his way; make null the temptations of power and pride and help him to focus on you when he is struggling with decisions and responses. We pray spiritual protection over the president's marriage that he and his wife might continue to grow together in your love and remember the covenant promise they made to each other.

Jesus, we pray for the safety of our president and his family. Prevent those who disagree with him from taking sinful and unlawful actions against him or his family. Please surround him with security teams that regardless of politics, will keep their pledge to protect the elected leader of the US. Keep close to the president those who offer godly counsel and wisdom according to your Word. Give him a listening ear and an open heart that is receptive.

We also pray for open communication between President Donald Trump and the legislative and judicial branches of government. Holy Spirit please work among the people in our government to allow them to work together for the glory of God; help them to put people first and to put away differences that delay the work that is needed. Please give our leaders the energy they need to do the work you have set before them.

Lord, we pray that President Trump would trust you and we pray that he would encourage others to do the same. May the president acknowledge that the race you have set before him, is far greater than any other race. On this Presidents' Day, we pray for godly counsel for our president, we pray for godly leadership over this country, and we pray for Christ-centered compassionate hearts for those who rule and those who are governed. Father, we thank you for your mercy, your love, and your sovereign rule over us all. May we look to you in all circumstances God, in your Son's name, Jesus Christ, amen.

King Solomon, in his great wisdom, writes in the second chapter of Song of Songs, There he stands behind our wall, gazing through the windows, peering through the lattice. The Midrash commentary explains this to be referring to Almighty God at a time when his presence is not visible, nor is it readily apparent. But fear not, says King Solomon, he is right there in the background, watching you through the window, and the lattice. (Speaks Hebrew.) Oh, our merciful Father.

This idea is so apparent and reminiscent to this most challenging time during which we find ourselves. Our relationship with you seems so different from what it always has been. We have not been in your house, our holy synagogues, in nearly two months. These sacred places where we go to seek you and to derive inspiration three times a day, every day, are empty, dark, and shuttered. Instead, all we have had is the sanctuary of our own homes and the limited allowable interactions.

There is fear, there is sickness, there is death wherever we turn and whenever we listen. But yet, we know you are still there, watching over us as always. (Speaks Hebrew.) Master of the world, you are the Rofei chol basar, the healer of all flesh. We implore you to eradicate this awful plague from your Earth, heal those who suffer, comfort those who mourn, sustain those who have lost livelihood.

Please bless our President, our First Lady, our Vice President, our Second Lady, and the entire administration, as well as the leaders of state and local governments who must make critical decisions each and every day.

Please bless the doctors, nurses, first responders, and all medical personnel who dedicate their lives to save others. Please bless the selfless community and civic leaders who are doing their part to help those in need. And please bless each and every one of your 330 million children who make up the United States of America.


Gracious and merciful Lord, I pray for our nation. I bring the needs of our citizens before you and ask that you be with all of us through the challenges we endure from COVID-19.

I pray for the victims and families of victims that have lost their lives, as well as those that are fighting for their lives today.

I pray for the many without jobs, food, and shelter. I ask that you would give all of our nation's leaders the wisdom and courage to lead us through this pandemic.

I pray for our President, Vice President, First Lady, and Second Lady. I ask that you help us to work together as a nation. I ask that you bless our Congress and all of those in leadership positions to restore our nation back to full operation. I pray for your protection to cover all of our valiant healthcare workers, our courageous first responders, law enforcement community, and brave men and women of our military. I pray for all essential workers. I pray for the soundness of mind for our governors and judges across the land.

I pray for every faith community and their leaders. And I ask your blessings upon those in my community who are observing the collective fast of Ramadan.

I ask these blessings in your gracious and merciful name. Amen.