Prayer For Trump To Win

"O Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, You who made the heaven and earth and have brought us to such a time as this, hear our prayer. We come to seek Your face and ask Your blessing for the President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, his house and all those under his authority. Give Your good Spirit to instruct President and First Lady Melania Trump. Give Your manna for their mouths and water for their thirst. May President Trump bless the LORD Who has given him counsel and instructs his heart in the night seasons. God of Angel Armies, light President Trump's lamp that no darkness can surround him. Keep him, Oh Lord, from the hands of the wicked; preserve him from violent and deceitful men who have purposed to make his steps stumble. Instruct President Trump, and teach him the way he should go.

Lord God of Israel, guide President Trump with Your eye and order his steps. Give him the tongue of the learned, that he should know how to speak. Give him the gift of the Watchman: the ability to hear Your voice and see into the spiritual realm. Guide President Trump with Your counsel that afterward You will receive him to glory. May Your Word be a lamp to President Trump's feet and a light to his path. Let Your good hand of justice and mercy lead President Trump, and let Your right hand hold him. President Trump's heart plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps. This also comes from the LORD of Hosts Who is wonderful in counsel and excellent in guidance. President Trump's ears shall hear a word behind him, saying, ""This is the way, walk in it,"" whenever he turns to the right hand or whenever he turns to the left. Lord God of Israel, You will lead President and Melania Trump in paths they have not known. You make darkness light before them and crooked places straight. These things You will do for President and Melania Trump. You will not forsake them. Thus says the LORD, President Trump's Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: ""I am the LORD his God, Who teaches him to profit, Who leads him by the way he should go."" LORD, guide President Trump continually, and satisfy his soul in drought, and strengthen his bones. Make President Trump like a watered garden and like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail. There is nothing covered, not enemies, strategies, counsels, or weapons, which will not be revealed to President Trump. The hidden things will be made known to him, including the plans of our enemies and every terrorist plot will be known. His house and this nation will be secure in all things; no word spoken against the United States of America shall prosper. Every plot formulated in the hearts of men to disrupt the security of this nation through manipulation or terrorist attack in America shall be cast down.

God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, give to President Trump the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You. Christ Jesus, become for President Trump wisdom from God, righteousness, sanctification and redemption. As Watchmen we declare the power of the cross and the blood of Jesus over Donald J. Trump, his house and all under his authority. Amen."

Our God and God of our ancestors: We ask Your blessings for our country for its government, for its leaders and advisers, and for all who exercise just and rightful authority. Teach then insights from Your Torah that they may administer all affairs of state fairly, that peace and security, happiness and prosperity, justice and freedom may forever abide in our midst.

Dear Lord,
During this time of fear, uncertainty, and stress, please grant President Trump and his task force the courage and steadfastness to tirelessly continue in their war against coronavirus. Be by their side and protect them so they may protect us. Help to calm all Americans and the world as we place our trust in You. Take our hands and walk this difficult journey with us.

Our Dear Heavenly Father, we are grateful, this day, to be gathered together with representatives from many faiths, united in prayer to appeal to thee thy mercy and grace, and helping us and our nation.

We are grateful to be in a country where we have the right to exercise our religious beliefs. And we pray and cherish that those freedoms that we have will be protected and not be diminished.

We are united in prayer today to ask a special blessing of deliverance deliverance from this pandemic that has covered the Earth in a devastating sickness. We ask that our doctors, nurses, and caregivers can be blessed with special protection in recognition of their sacrifices and hard work.

Please bless our scientists and doctors to develop effective treatments for those who are sick and who may become sick. We pray that a safe and effective vaccine can be developed quickly to protect us, so that life can return to normal.

Bless the leaders of this great nation to be inspired by thee, to have wisdom and judgment to make good decisions and to get the economy running again. Amplify their talents.

Bless our leaders to work together in harmony and unity to do what is best for the citizens of this nation.

We pray for those that mourn for lost loved ones and ask that you send thy Holy Spirit to comfort them and give them assurance that they can be reunited again through the power of our savior Jesus Christ's resurrection.

We know that without thy strengthening help, we will fail. But with thy help and tender mercies, we can do all things and we will not fail.

We pray we can look to thee in every thought, doubt not, and fear not.

We love thee, Heavenly Father, and we call down the powers of Heaven to help us, unite us, and deliver us from these troubled times.

I say these things in deep gratitude for all of our blessings in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, our healer and redeemer.


Gracious and merciful Lord, I pray for our nation. I bring the needs of our citizens before you and ask that you be with all of us through the challenges we endure from COVID-19.

I pray for the victims and families of victims that have lost their lives, as well as those that are fighting for their lives today.

I pray for the many without jobs, food, and shelter. I ask that you would give all of our nation's leaders the wisdom and courage to lead us through this pandemic.

I pray for our President, Vice President, First Lady, and Second Lady. I ask that you help us to work together as a nation. I ask that you bless our Congress and all of those in leadership positions to restore our nation back to full operation. I pray for your protection to cover all of our valiant healthcare workers, our courageous first responders, law enforcement community, and brave men and women of our military. I pray for all essential workers. I pray for the soundness of mind for our governors and judges across the land.

I pray for every faith community and their leaders. And I ask your blessings upon those in my community who are observing the collective fast of Ramadan.

I ask these blessings in your gracious and merciful name. Amen.

Lord, I pray for our dear President. And I tell God, Please, give him the strength and the power, because he's not only our leader of the great United States; the whole world is following this gentleman.

And I can't say anything else, but let's please pray for this wonderful man. Faith before fear. And, Mr. President, I'm honored to be here. And I pray for you every day. God bless America and God bless you, Mr. President.

Blessed to Know that GOD is Still in Control!With a sad heart, but with a heart that will not stop hoping and praying, and with faith in the Heavenly Father, today I kneel in prayer. Dear God, I'm asking You to put peace in the hearts of those who are filled with hate for this country and our president. I pray all plans to destroy this country will fail. I pray for the recovery of the patients with Covid 19 and for protection for those who have not yet suffered the infection. I ask you God for help to find what will end Covid19. I ask for the Holy Spirit to guide all people toward You and toward peace. And for the ones who don't know you LORD, I pray that they will open their hearts and let you come in to their hearts. Thank you for all the blessings you have given me and my family. Keep us safe from harm and danger, sickness and disease and keep us mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually well. Lord I continue to pray that we become one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Give us the opportunity and the courage to teach others more about You and to love them where they are at. Bless and protect our police officers and military men and women. Take care of them and watch over them as we pray for the United States of America. AMEN!!!
I ask that you put this message in your status. Let's do a prayer chain. Let us be in unity. May God bless us! God bless the USA! Jesus name AMEN!!!!!!

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Dear Heavenly Father, I ask you to grant us, in this moment, to be in your most holy presence. In the presence of our mother Mary, of Saint Joseph, our protector and guide, of all the angels and of all the saints, I ask you to please grant us the grace to be one in body and in spirit, all of your children of the Earth. Please be with us so that with one voice, with the voice of the Church, we may pray together to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Jesus, Son of God, you were sent by the Father to bear our weakness. Be with us in this time of crisis. Merciful savior, heal and comfort the sick, so that with health restored, they may give you praise.

Divine physician, accompany our caregivers so that serving You with patience, they may heal wisely. Eternal wisdom, guide our leaders so that seeking remedies, they may follow Your light. Christ, the anointed, protect us in body and spirit so that freed from harm, we may be delivered from all affliction.

Beloved Son of the Father, grant us the grace to grow in love for Him, that we may love the Lord our God with all of our heart, with all of our mind, and with all of our strength. You who live in reign, in the unity of God the Father with the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

We thank you, Father, for this moment. We thank you for your love for us. We ask you, in the name of Christ our Lord, to bless us with His most precious blood, to bless our nation, to bless our world. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.