Prayer For Troubled Times At Work

Lord Jesus, I come to You because when I look at the hard times that we are facing, my heart seems to fail as I don't know which way to turn, except to You. Thank You, that You have always been there for me, and thank You that you have always come through with Your help in time of need. Always at the right time and always in the right way.

Keep me from fear of what tomorrow may bring, knowing that I do not need to be afraid or fearful, because You have promised to supply all my needs according to Your riches in mercy.

Thank You, Lord, for Your Word which has so many beautiful truths and wonderful promises. It tells me that You are always there to help when times are hard. Thank You for this scripture from the Bible, which someone gave me today, "do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

Thank You for this lovely truth and for the many promises that You have given to all Your children. May my heart rest in You Lord, and keep me from fear in these difficult times. In Jesus' name I pray,


Lord, I am facing such hard times, times that have become much more difficult with each passing day, and at times I get quite anxious and afraid, wondering how we are going to manage.

Lord, I know that You have promised to care for all Your children, but there are so many, I don't understand how You can care for us all. Nevertheless, I want to trust You to keep Your Word because You have promised, and You are faithful to keep Your promises.

Thank You, Lord, that You are my light and my salvation. I know that there is nothing to worry about when You are my strength and stay. Lord, I believe that there is nothing that You cannot do. Please help my unbelief Lord Jesus, for I know that when You are the stronghold of my life there is nothing of which to be afraid.

Thank You Lord,


Thank You, Lord, that You are my refuge and my strength in hard times and an ever present helper in times of trouble. Help me to cling to You and this truth from the Bible that You keep bringing to my mind.

I know that You are the only all-powerful God, and that there is nothing that is too difficult in my life for You to deal with, nor is there any obstacle in my path that is so insurmountable that I cannot cross, knowing that You are by my side.

Please give me Your strength to face today's hard and troubled times, with the confidence of knowing that Your strength is made perfect in my weakness. Thank You that my strength comes from You, and that Your grace is sufficient for all the tasks and duties that will cross my daily path, not only for today but for the rest of my journey through life.

Thank You, Father, that Your grace is sufficient. Help me to meditate on this truth every day,


Thank You, Holy Spirit for being my helper. Thank You for coming alongside me and being a comfort, advocate, and intercessor. I thank You for being my counselor and for strengthening me. Jesus, I receive your peace.

I admit that my heart has been troubled, and I have allowed fear to make my decisions.

I repent of that, and I am choosing to rest in You and to allow Your peace to calm me in my current circumstances and to strengthen me with the courage to face these challenges with Your Spirit by my side. Amen.

Father, I need Your peace. I have allowed my attention to shift towards the distractions and circumstances I am currently struggling with.

I have exhausted my resources and energy. I am actively placing my thoughts and focus back on You and Your faithfulness.

I thank You that You are continually pursuing me and always drawing my heart back towards You. I thank You for Your kindness and patience towards me.

Thank You for reminding me of our history together. I know that I can trust You. Help me, Father, to learn to rest in Your peace. Amen.

Father, I come to you worn and weary from the hard times I have walked through recently. I come to you seeking your shelter where I know I can find security and rest in your shadow.

Father, you are mighty. I know my circumstances are no match for Your great power. Thank You that You are my safe place.

Thank You that I am always welcome beneath Your wings. Thank You for being a fortress I can trust.

Father, I know you can save me from these trials. I will wait patiently for You to help me work things out for my good.

You have always been faithful to me. I will rest in Your faithfulness. Amen.

Heavenly Father, I am tired, and I am worn. I feel pressure from all of these circumstances surrounding me, but I thank You that I am not, and they will not crush me.

I am unsure of how this can or will work out for my good, but I say no to discouragement and despair in Jesus' name.

I feel like everything, and everyone is coming against me but Father, I thank you that I never stand alone. Thank you for being with me through it all, both as my friend and as my advocate.

Thank you for picking me up every time life, and its hard times knock me down. I will rest in You and Your finished work at the cross. Amen.

Father, thank You that even when all others leave and abandon me, You remain.

Thank You that even when the ones I thought would be around forever choose to go, I can trust that you will stand with me.

Father, I come to You with my cares and my worries concerning this trial I am facing.

Would You remind me that I am not alone? Would You tell me that you care about this and its outcome?

Father, I thank You for standing with me, and I receive your strength to stand another day.

Thank you that I can trust you to rescue me from this and every trial I will face in this life. Amen.