Prayer For Troubled Youth

Lord, thank you for all the blessings you have bestowed on me. Most of all, thank you for this wonderful child that has taught me more about you than anything else you have done in my life. I have seen them grow in you since the day you blessed my life with them. I have seen you in their eyes, in their actions, and in the words that they say. I now understand better your love for each of us, that unconditional love that leads you to great joy when we honor you and great heartbreak when we disappoint. I now get the true sacrifice of your Son dying on a cross for our sins.

So today, Lord, I lift us my own child to you for your blessings and guidance. You know that teenagers are not always easy. There are times when they are challenging me to be the adult they think they are, but I know it's not time yet. There are other times when I struggle to give them the freedom to live and grow and learn because all I remember is that it was just yesterday when I was putting band-aids on scrapes and a hug and kiss was enough to make the nightmares go away.

Lord, there are so many ways of the world that terrify me as they enter it more and more on their own. There are the obvious evils done by other people. The threat of physical harm by those we see on the news every night. I ask that you protect them from that, but I also ask that you protect them from the emotional harm that comes in these years of great emotions. I know that there are dating and friendship relationships that will come and go, and I ask that you guard their heart against things that will make them bitter. I ask that you help them make good decisions and that they remember the things I tried to teach them every day about how to honor you.

I also ask, Lord, that you guide their footsteps as they walk on their own. I ask that they have your strength as peers try to lead them down paths of destruction. I ask that they have your voice both in their heads and your voice as they speak so that they honor you in all that they do and say. I ask that they feel the strength of their faith as others try to tell them that you are not real or you are not worth following. Lord, please let them see you as the most important thing in their life, and that no matter the hardships, their faith will be solid.

And Lord, I ask for the patience to be a good example to my child during a time when they will test every part of me. Lord, help me not lose my temper, give me the strength to both stand firm when I need to and let go when the time is right. Guide my words and actions so that I am leading my child in your ways. Let me offer the right advice and set the right rules for my child to help them be the person of God you desire.

In your holy name, Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, I ask for wisdom in speaking the right words to my teen, so they cannot only hear but listen to sound instruction. I pray to speak their language and for Your timing in approaching these challenging and often uncomfortable matters. I pray all communication will be a step forward even if the conversations seem like a step backward.

Lord Jesus Christ, I ask for wisdom in my teen's situation. You have eyes where I don't and know that which I don't. I pray for significant details, information to be revealed that has been hidden, and for people to come forward who have been silenced. Lead me where I should go and speak to those who may know more so I can start the restoration process for my teen.

I am asking the lord for strength and faith to help my sons. My sons are suffering from anxiety, depression, and anger. I ask our Heavenly Father that he heal my sons. I ask the Lord to lead my sons back on the right track. That they are not afraid to face the world and conquer their fears. I ask the Lord to give them strength and faith to over come all obstacles in their lives. Amen

Oh Lord, I lift up my son to you. He has been in troubke with the law and was fortunate enough to not spend time in jail. I thank you for your mercy. I ask that your Holy Spirit move in him and help him with his addiction. His earthly father has fought addiction for 25 years. I pray, heavenly Father, that you and your love would fill his void. May the demons be driven out by the sound of your name, Yeshua. I am giving it all to you Most High God, Creator of heaven and earth. Your will be done, amen.

Heavenly Father,
I come to you in prayer, giving you
my son Derek . God wrap your loving arms around him. Father my son is 21 years old, he has many trial and tribulations in his life. He is battling drug addition, lieing, stealing from family and friends to meet his drug needs. God please remove all the evil influences in his life and the evil spirits. I pray that you will open his heart, mind and give him strength to make better choices in his life. That he will turn to you in prayer, give him guidance and wisdom to listen to you. To choose a righteous path.
Thank you Father

Dear Lord, you have witnessed the rebelliousness of youth since the very beginnings of time. You understand a parent's anguish and helplessness over the actions of his child. Please help us to transform our anger and frustration into loving care for our child who has gone astray. Help us begin to mend our broken fences and heal our broken hearts. Bless our child and also help him to mend the error of his ways. Help and bless us all to do right in Your name and restore us to peace and tranquility. Amen.

Hear this humble prayer, O God, for our troubled children, for at-risk youth that are abused, misguided and vulnerable; for children who yearn for nothing more than encouraging words and a loving touch; for any that have broken society's laws and are lost and frightened. We entreat for them Thy mercy, grace and forgiveness, and for those responsible for their care we ask hearts of compassion, gentle hands and kind words. Make us, ourselves, to be true friends to these young men and women, and so to share the blessings of the merciful. Amen.