Prayer For Traveling Abroad

Heavenly Father,

You hold us in the palm of your hand.
You watch over us wherever we go.
You are our shepherd, and protector.
You are behind us and before us.
You journey with us.
Today we put our trust in you as we travel.


God and Shepherd, we come together to ask your protection over our traveling medical team. These men and women have answered your call to protect the vulnerable of our global family by providing medical care. Watch over their travel and protect each and every person as they imitate your compassion. Help all the individuals who will be affected by the work of this team. Let them feel the presence of your healing power through caring hands. We thank you for the individuals who have made this trip possible through preparations. Through your use of our unique talents, help us to affect change that brings about your loving vision. We thank you and praise you. Amen.

Lord I go with you, I am safe with you. I do not travel alone, For your hand is upon me, Your protection is divine. Besides, in front and behind You encircle my life, For I am yours, and you are mine.

Dear Lord, I pray for my friend, that they would feel you at their side today as they travel. Please watch over them. Keep them safe, fill their hearts with peace and bless their trip away with your love. Amen.

O God, our heavenly Father, whose glory fills the whole creation, and whose presence we find wherever we go: Preserve those who travel [in particular __________]; surround them with your loving care; protect them from every danger; and bring them in safety to their journey's end; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

I come before you Father God and confess my fears about traveling. I confess my insecurities about connections and times, My concerns for my safety and security, And my anxieties around this journey. I come to lay these things down and choose to put my trust in you. My faith will rise up and lead me through. My hopes will find light as I praise your name. My love will remain strong and firm holding me steady. My peace will be your peace, one that surpasses all these worries. You are with me. I am safe with you. Thank you. Amen.

Jesus, wherever I go, I give you praise I lift you high above each space. No matter where or how I ride You will be here with me. Whatever the time, your presence is here You hear my prayers, you're always near. If ever I feel alone I know You will be here with me. Whenever I call, upon your name I journey with you, I travel safe. For every moment you hold my hand You will be here with me.

Father, I thank you for the privileged to travel abroad, in the name of Jesus.