Prayer For Traveling By Plane

O Father,

You are always there,
For your love reaches everywhere.
Above the clouds, beneath the sea,
I know your hand will cover me.
Through the darkened starry night,
Again at dawn when all is bright.
Upon the heavens, or over bridges,
Deepest valleys, rocky ridges.
You beside me, o so close,
Knowing when I need you most.

Through different lands of war or peace,
Where suffering stirs or riches twist,
I choose to walk the path you tread,
And carry your wisdom where I'm led.
I'll bring your peace with every step,
And bless each place I rest my head.
You keep me safe, watch over me,
I choose to put my trust in thee.

Dear God,

Please protect us on the journey we are about to take.
Support us with Your strength and grace when we are weary.
Help us to be mindful of Your presence and love in times of stress
and guide us to make our time together meaningful and memorable.

Dear Lord,
Please keep my family in Your watchful care while we are away from home.
Keep us safely protected in Your sheltering arms.
In Jesus' name. Amen.

Heavenly Father,
Please protect us while we travel.
The streets are busy and the trip is long.
Keep us safe from the dangers of the road.
Give us courtesy and patience with other drivers.
And help us reach our destination swiftly and easily, always knowing that You are with us.

God, sometimes flying makes me nervous.
I know airplanes are safe, but still I worry.
Please give me Your peace Help me remember that You are watching over the plane.
Bless the men and women in the cockpit.
Bless the flight attendants and all the passengers.
Remind me that flight is a miraculous gift from You, and that when this plane speeds through the air, it is obeying the physical laws of the world You created.
As I look at the sky above and the earth below, I praise You for the beauty of Your creation.
I place myself confidently in Your care, knowing that, just as You guide me on the ground, so Your loving arms protect me in the air.

Heavenly Father,

Please bless our vacation.
Help our family to have patience and understanding.
Guide us to be mindful of this gift of time together.
Help us to make compromises when necessary and handle any chaos that comes our way with Your love and grace.
Open our eyes to truly see the beauty of the memories we are creating that will last a lifetime.

May it be Your will, o Lord, our God and the God of our ancestors, that You lead us toward peace, guide our footsteps toward peace, and make us reach our desired destination for life, gladness, and peace. May You rescue us from the hand of every foe, ambush along the way, and from all manner of punishments that assemble to come to earth. May You send blessing in our handiwork, and grant us grace, kindness, and mercy in Your eyes and in the eyes of all who see us. May You hear the sound of our humble request because You are God Who hears prayer requests.
Blessed are You, our Lord, Who hears prayer. Amen.

O God, our heavenly Father, whose glory fills the whole creation, and whose presence we find wherever we go: preserve those who travel; surround them with your loving care; protect them from every danger; and bring them in safety to their journey's end; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.