Prayer For Traveling Husband

Father, thank You for hearing the prayers of all my blessed friends here for my husband and his friends that they will receive journey mercies from You. I bless Your Name, Father. Thank You for Your mercy and grace upon my husband and the rest of us who are praying and waiting for his safe return. Thank You for watching him with Your eyes day and night, Lord. I pray that my husband will open the eyes of his heart with the help of Your Holy Spirit, Lord to know Jesus and confess that He is Lord. To touch his heart and know that if he abide in You and Your Word in him, whatever he ask You will give them to him for the glory of Your Name only. Thank You, Lord for bringing good and caring people who fear You to the pathway of my husband and his friend. Thank You, Lord that You are merciful and kind. Thank You for the safe return of my husband. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.

Father, I lift my husband, his friend and nephew who will be travelling outstation tomorrow and return on Monday. I plead the Blood of Jesus Christ upon him and his friends and the vehicle that they are travelling in. I ask for journey mercies upon them, Father. Fill my husband with wisdom, knowledge and understanding, Lord. Bless him with good and caring people who fear You, Lord. I pray that this project of doing survey for the purpose of EIA report on environment will be successful, Father. May Your Name glorified, Father. Provide for the needs of my husband and his friends, Father. Cleanse the hotel room with the Blood of Jesus, Father. May my husband be bless with good health, peace, love and joy, Father. May he learn of You during this journey, Lord. That he will return with good testimonies in order to bring glory to Your Name, Lord. I pray for safe return of my husband and every person involve in this EIA. Thank You, Lord for Your faithfulness. I trust that You Lord that You will keep every one safe including whatever mode of transportation they are in. Bless their food, water and anything that they consume in Jesus' name. Thank You, Lord. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.

Lord I go with you, I am safe with you. I do not travel alone, For your hand is upon me, Your protection is divine. Besides, in front and behind You encircle my life, For I am yours, and you are mine.

Dear Lord, I pray for my friend, that they would feel you at their side today as they travel. Please watch over them. Keep them safe, fill their hearts with peace and bless their trip away with your love. Amen.

O God, our heavenly Father, whose glory fills the whole creation, and whose presence we find wherever we go: Preserve those who travel [in particular __________]; surround them with your loving care; protect them from every danger; and bring them in safety to their journey's end; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

I come before you Father God and confess my fears about traveling. I confess my insecurities about connections and times, My concerns for my safety and security, And my anxieties around this journey. I come to lay these things down and choose to put my trust in you. My faith will rise up and lead me through. My hopes will find light as I praise your name. My love will remain strong and firm holding me steady. My peace will be your peace, one that surpasses all these worries. You are with me. I am safe with you. Thank you. Amen.

Jesus, wherever I go, I give you praise I lift you high above each space. No matter where or how I ride You will be here with me. Whatever the time, your presence is here You hear my prayers, you're always near. If ever I feel alone I know You will be here with me. Whenever I call, upon your name I journey with you, I travel safe. For every moment you hold my hand You will be here with me.

Father, I thank You for the promises You give throughout the Bible to keep Your children safe. To give us a refuge, to be our strength and strengthener. Thank You that You will never leave us nor forsake us and to be gracious to us all the days of our lives.

Father, protect my husband in all the ways he walks; watch over his coming and going (Ps.121:8) guiding him away from any harmful situations. Protect him from traveling accidents, work accidents, sicknesses, debilitating diseases of the body or mind. Protect him from violence and the people who do it. I stand in the gap on behalf of my husband, (Ez.22:30-31) asking that You place your mighty hand of protection around him in every way he goes.

Lord, I know that Your arm is not too short that You cannot save, (Is.58:1) so preserve the life of my husband so that he might grow old to watch his children's children grow. I entrust him to You, fully convinced that You are able to protect him this day and every day of his life. (2Tim.1:12)

Father, when his heart is burdened and his spirit weary, the world seems dark all around, remind him that You are his shield, his deliverer, his rock. Remind him that You are his firm foundation, cornerstone and stronghold. (2Sam.22:1-4) Protect him from any attacks the enemy plans to make on his mind, diverting the fiery darts that get sent his way. You will not fail him, for You will not reject your people; You will never forsake Your inheritance. (Ps. 94:14) In Jesus' precious name. Amen.