Prayer For Thursday

Lord, You prepare a table for me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil. My cup surely does runs over.

I'm so grateful for all Your provisions this week: the food on my table, the funds I've needed, and the peace of mind I have in knowing You continue to provide for my every need.

Thank You, Lord, for Your blessings this week. Grant me strength and energy to go through this blessed Thursday morning, as I seek Your face, Your comfort, Your rest.

Keep me safely wrapped in Your loving arms. Bless me with Your peace that passes all understanding.

You are the glorious morning,
You are refreshment and peace.
You are the sounds as the dawn breaks,
You are the rose that smells sweet.

You are the Lord, my creator,
You are the wonder of life.
You are the great words of wisdom,
I read them and fill up inside.

You are the wonderful sunrise,
You are restorer of hope.
You are the air that we breathe now,
You are the warm winter coat.

You are the Lord, my creator,
You are a love without end.
You are all grace and forgiveness,
I stand loved and free as your friend.

Lord on this day I remember that You go before me, so I pause to meditate on Your promises. Thank You Lord that You go with me, You lay a pathway, You watch over me like a shepherd. So I give You my fears, worries and anxieties. I lay all tension and stress at the foot of the cross. Thank You that You arose from the death, and that You bring life, freedom, hope and the promise of Heaven! Praise You that I am safe in Your presence. Amen.

May Thursday be a hope filled day,
That floods my fears with light,
A day that quiets all anxious thoughts
As I encounter Christ.
Let Thursday always prompt my heart
To stop and find Your peace,
And live upon the truth You give
My eyes to You I lift.

Dear Lord,

We thank You for this Thursday. Father, with a world so full of despair, we long for true joy. We know that true joy comes from You. You have set within our hearts the craving for intimacy with You, and so today we ask for more of the Holy Spirit within us and surrounding us to fill us with jubilant exultation.

Lead us into a place of peace in being in Your presence, oh Lord. Reveal to us the hidden truth of Your heart and Your intent for us. Delight our own hearts and eyes with the wonder of Your splendor and the treasure of Your adoration for us. True happiness comes from knowing You, oh God.

Teach us how to be more like Your Son. Set within us the yearning to lean and press into You when things are calm or tumultuous. Deeply and sincerely it is our hope to belong to the kingdom, and to know the Spirit of the one true God.

Fill us with You, oh Lord.

In Jesus name, Amen.

Lord, in this Easter season,

we hear the rumbling of your new life deep underground

in the struggles of the poor and the oppressed.

Come upon us, possess us and transform us.

Fill us with the hope of your power manifested in your broken body,

the power that breaks in among us today

in the wounded and broken sisters and brothers in the world. Amen.

As I rise to face this day, grant me joy in the workplace, peace in my heart, and protection throughout the day. Fill me with your word and let Your glorious light shine through me.

Lord, give me the strength and the courage I need to take me through this day. Whenever I am tempted to give up, help me to keep going. Whenever I feel weak, grant me the strength to overcome.

Your word says: Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

And Lord I now take it all to you in prayer, giving thanks for all your blessings. In Jesus mighty name I pray, Amen!

Dear Lord,

We thank You for this Thursday. Father, with a world so full of despair, we long for true joy. We know that true joy comes from You. You have set within our hearts the craving for intimacy with You, and so today we ask for more of the Holy Spirit within us and surrounding us to fill us with jubilant exultation.

Lead us into a place of peace in being in Your presence, oh Lord. Reveal to us the hidden truth of Your heart and Your intent for us. Delight our own hearts and eyes with the wonder of Your splendor and the treasure of Your adoration for us. True happiness comes from knowing You, oh God.

Teach us how to be more like Your Son. Set within us the yearning to lean and press into You when things are calm or tumultuous. Deeply and sincerely it is our hope to belong to the kingdom, and to know the Spirit of the one true God.

Fill us with You, oh Lord.

In Jesus name, Amen.