Prayer For Time Management


You have given me the same amount of time in a day that you gave to Jesus of Nazareth the same amount of time you gave Thomas Edison, Steve Jobs, Mother Theresa, Martha Stewart, and Queen Elizabeth 24 hours a day, 168 hours a week to give you glory and to undergo the projects and plans you have ordained for my life. I have squandered enough time, puttering away here and there, squandering more than my fair share of precious minutes.

Please forgive me.

Lord, I am asking for and receiving in faith the ability and the wherewithal to hear your quiet instructions both in Your Word and in my heart so I know how to spend my time, offering You a fruitful life.

You have made it clear that bearing fruit is the natural result of abiding in you. So first on my list today is to draw close to Your heart, receive Your love, and hear Your whispers. I will do just that.

[Now hear His quiet voice tell you who you are you are the only YOU in the world, and He will help you become that you the real you.]

.I seal this time in the name of Jesus Amen.

Heavenly Father,

Teach us to number our days and recognize how few they are; help us to spend them as we should.


Dear God,
I know that You have created me with a purpose and plan. I know it is Your desire that I too have a life filled with joy, purpose and victory. Please help me today to fulfill the destiny You have planned for my life. I know that in order to do this, I must live a life obedient to Your Word, and a life of balance, with my priorities in the proper place and my heart focused on You.

Dear Lord, help me to attain that balance in all areas of my life. Examine my heart, and show me those places where I may be out of balance. Help me to focus on the things that are most important, and keep me from being distracted by the things that would steal my time and attention. Protect me from those things that try to keep me from reaching my goals and achieving the dreams that you have put in my heart.

And most of all, dear God, remind me daily that You have called me to be fruitful, not just busy. Give me the wisdom and strength to produce in abundance that which is most important and constructive in my life and the lives of those around me. Thank you for your constant presence and for helping me to grow and increase in every area of my life. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Gracious God, Teach _____ to make the most of his/her time, help him/her grow in wisdom. ~Amen


You have given me the same amount of time in a day that you gave to Jesus of Nazareth the same amount of time you gave Thomas Edison, Steve Jobs, Mother Theresa, Martha Stewart, and Queen Elizabeth 24 hours a day, 168 hours a week to give you glory and to undergo the projects and plans you have ordained for my life. I have squandered enough time, puttering away here and there, squandering more than my fair share of precious minutes.

Please forgive me.

Lord, I am asking for and receiving in faith the ability and the wherewithal to hear your quiet instructions both in Your Word and in my heart so I know how to spend my time, offering You a fruitful life.

You have made it clear that bearing fruit is the natural result of abiding in you. So first on my list today is to draw close to Your heart, receive Your love, and hear Your whispers. I will do just that.

[Now hear His quiet voice tell you who you are you are the only YOU in the world, and He will help you become that you the real you.]

.I seal this time in the name of Jesus Amen.

Lord, I need Your wisdom regarding my time management. Make me a wise manager of my time, and strengthen me to make choices that honor You, that lead me closer to You, and that reflect Your love to the world. Teach me to be intentional with the choices I make and the activities I'm involved in. Make me aware of poor choices and lead me to a better way. Strengthen my faith in You and give me discernment about things that will cause me harm. My loyalty is to You, Lord, and to You I surrender my time. I am in constant need of Your wisdom and guidance in every area of my life. Reveal to me Your plan for this day, show me what You would have me do, and give me the courage to do it. Lead me clearly as I follow You boldly.

Oh heavenly Lord,

My life is hectic and messy. I never have enough time. Am I wasting time?

Guide me, oh Lord. Bring order to my mind and life. Establish your priorities in my heart. Help me focus on the essential.

Let me seek you first, oh loving Lord.

May your Word teach me and your Spirit guide me. May your Kingdom come to me to drive out waste and confusion.

Show me when to ask for help or when to say no.

Keep me sharp and focused. Give me strength, oh Lord, to resist the temptations that lead me away from your will.

Your Son gives me eternal life, but my time on earth is short. So manage my time, oh Lord, as you see fit.

I can do all things through you, as I am saved by Christ and loved by God.

In the name of Jesus,


Bless me with wisdom and time management. May I make the most of each and every hour. May I be a blessing to my family. Fill us with love and time to listen to each other.

Lord, I do not know what tomorrow will bring. For I am just a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.

But in this short time may I use the days well to glorify your name. Teach me to number my days so that I may get a heart of wisdom.

Heavenly Father, forgive me for not using my precious time wisely in the past. Guide me Lord from this day forward. May your Holy Spirit fill me with Godly wisdom and guide and direct my days. In Jesus' all powerful and majestic name I pray, Amen!