Prayer For Times Of Worry

Loving God,

Please grant me peace of mind and calm my troubled heart. My soul is like a turbulent sea. I can't seem to find my balance so I stumble and worry constantly.

Give me the strength and clarity of mind to find my purpose and walk the path you've laid out for me. I trust your Love God, and know that you will heal this stress. Just as the sun rises each day against the dark of night.

Please bring me clarity with the light of God.

In your name I pray, Amen.

Calm me, Lord, as you calmed the storm; still me, Lord, keep me from harm.

Let all the tumult within me cease, enfold me, Lord, in your peace.

Calm me, Lord, as you calmed the storm; still me, Lord, keep me from harm.

Let all the tumult within me cease, Lord, enfold me in your peace.

Dear Father,

In this space of total anxiety, I'm praying to you, the God of all.

Jesus, I need you so much.

The weight of this world consumes my heart and my spirit is confused.

I know you are not the god of confusion; you are the God of order, love and peace.

I pray you would restore order right now in me.

May my mind perceive that you make me sound.

May my soul receive that you give me strength.

May my heart believe that you show me love.

Thank you for the relief of an unburdened heart.


Dear Lord,

I thank you that I can come to You always for any reason. I'm grateful that when I pray to You, You answer me. Help me to come to You at the beginning of my fears and anxieties instead of waiting until I can't stand them anymore. The quicker I come to You the better. You want to free me from ALL my fears. Help me look to You for help more often so that I can be radiant with Your joy.

In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.

Dear Lord,

I am your humble servant and I kneel before You today, helpless and weak.

I need Your hope for love, kindness and for a better life, Lord.

I ask that You fill me from head to toe with Your everlasting light.

Bathe me in Your glory, Lord and show me that everything is according to Your plan.

Help me walk in Your glorious light and show me the path so that I may follow You in faith.


Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.

They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream.

It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green.

It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.

Dear Lord, I thank you that I can come to You always for any reason. I'm grateful that when I pray to You, You answer me. Help me to come to You at the beginning of my fears and anxieties instead of waiting until I can't stand them anymore. The quicker I come to You the better. You want to free me from ALL my fears. Help me look to You for help more often so that I can be radiant with Your joy. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.

Dear Jesus,

You are the strength of my life;

You are my rock, my fortress and my protector; therefore, whom shall I be afraid?

You are my shield, my strong-tower and my stronghold.

I will call to You because You are worthy to be praised.

So, Father, I thank you for being my strength and My God in whom I trust, Amen.