Prayer For The Preacher

O Lord, remember your great mercy and have compassion on us. Teach us truly to know our sins, sincerely to repent, and to amend our life. Strengthen the ministers to preach your holy Word faithfully and steadfastly. Likewise, Lord, give strength to all civil authorities, that they may use the sword entrusted to them in justice and equity.

Father, I pray that You have Your divine way amongst us church leaders and pastors so that we can faithfully lead Your flock to the victory that You have promised us. We put our trust in You for you are always faithful to us, Amen.

Heavenly Father, we know that You are for us, therefore who can be against us? Lord, the adversary has attacked us, at times the church has questioned us, we have even questioned ourselves, but we will be victorious with You by our sides! I pray that we never depart from You and Your awesome power so that we can be strengthened even as we are attacked for the works that we do for Your kingdom, Amen.

God, thank you for my pastors and the sacrifice that they give for my spiritual growth and maturity. I love and honor my leadership Father. Thank you for leading me to them. In Jesus name I pray, amen!

God, I pray that my pastors would operate in wisdom when it comes to counseling and assisting your people. Give them wisdom the way you gave Solomon wisdom, so that they would know how to lead your people justly and rightly. Lord, surround them with relationships with people they can trust and can be accountable to. Surround them with people to encourage them in your way.

Dear God,
Thank you for our pastor, for the shepherd he is to all he meets, gently guiding them and caring for them.
Thank you for his wisdom, for the words of truth that he reveals from the bible.
Thank you for his faith, for the exuberance of his praise and the passion in his prayers.

Father may all the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, our Rock and our Redeemer. In the Name of the One who makes all things that we do possible we pray, Amen

Dear Loving Father, We praise You for your Greatness toward us. We thank You for allowing us to be vessels through which Your Word is poured forth. We glorify You for your infinite plan that included the examination & proclamation of Truth.