Prayer For The President Of The United States

Our good, gracious, and sovereign God, we pray for the the President of the United States.
Grant him wisdom, courage, and integrity as a man and as a leader.
Keep him faithful, kind, and loving as a husband and father.
Give him a heart for the poor, concern for the powerless, and compassion for the weak. Amen

Dear Father, in Jesus' name I lift up the President to You, I know that our leader's heart is in Your hands, so I ask that you guide the head of our nation to the way You would have him go. Father, I pray that You would surround our President with wise counsel men and women of integrity who place. Amen

Living God, nearly every tweet and speech from our president include statements of boasting, arrogance, and rudeness. He seems to be driven by irritation and resentment. Amen.

Living God, our President has gained so many things wealth, power, pleasure, fame, even the presidency. But without love, all his gains will be nothing. Because we believe that no one is beyond redemption, we pray that his heart will truly discover that the power of love surpasses the love of power. Amen.

Father, together we pray for our nations leaders to find Your peace and direction, and for these men and women to act and lead according to Your Word. A house divided within cannot stand, therefore, I pray for them to be unified in righteousness for the sake of our nation. Amen

Lord, no matter who is leading our country as President, we offer our prayers on behalf of his/her position. Draw him into a strong relationship with You. Thank You for this one who has pledged his life in service to our country. Give our president a true servant spirit, one who is a person after Your own heart. Amen

Dear Lord,

We thank you that no matter who is in office you are sovereign over all. We thank you for the system of leadership and governing we have in the United States, and we pray for wisdom in the upcoming primaries and elections. But we pray specifically today for our current president; we pray that President Trump would draw near to youthat he would seek you above all other things. We pray that you would be an undeniable presence in his life, and we pray for godly leadership over our country.

Lord, please pour your grace over the people in this country. May the people President Trump governs learn to love each other more; may we listen to each other even when there are many differences. May we stand up for what is right and stand against what is wrong according to what you have made clear in Scripture. Give us bold spirits and tongues that proclaim grace and truth, spoken in love. We pray this same attitude for our president that he might ignore the impulse and temptation for harsh responses and choose compassionate ones instead.

God our Father, you know how we are all tempted daily and that we sin against you every day; we thank you that Christ has died for our past, present, and future sins. Holy Spirit please protect President Trump against the many temptations that come his way; make null the temptations of power and pride and help him to focus on you when he is struggling with decisions and responses. We pray spiritual protection over the president's marriage that he and his wife might continue to grow together in your love and remember the covenant promise they made to each other.

Jesus, we pray for the safety of our president and his family. Prevent those who disagree with him from taking sinful and unlawful actions against him or his family. Please surround him with security teams that regardless of politics, will keep their pledge to protect the elected leader of the US. Keep close to the president those who offer godly counsel and wisdom according to your Word. Give him a listening ear and an open heart that is receptive.

We also pray for open communication between President Donald Trump and the legislative and judicial branches of government. Holy Spirit please work among the people in our government to allow them to work together for the glory of God; help them to put people first and to put away differences that delay the work that is needed. Please give our leaders the energy they need to do the work you have set before them.

Lord, we pray that President Trump would trust you and we pray that he would encourage others to do the same. May the president acknowledge that the race you have set before him, is far greater than any other race. On this Presidents' Day, we pray for godly counsel for our president, we pray for godly leadership over this country, and we pray for Christ-centered compassionate hearts for those who rule and those who are governed. Father, we thank you for your mercy, your love, and your sovereign rule over us all. May we look to you in all circumstances God, in your Son's name, Jesus Christ, amen.

We pray, Lord Jesus, for our President.

We are deeply concerned that he may know the will of God, and that he may have the spiritual courage and grace to follow it.

Deliver him, we pray, from all selfish considerations.

Lift him above the claims of politics.

Fill him with the Spirit of God that shall make him fearless to seek, to know, to do the right.

Save him from the friends who, in the name of politics or even friendship, would persuade him from that holy path.

Strengthen and empower his advisers.

Bring them, too, to their knees in prayer.

May their example and their influence spread, that we, in these United States,

may yet have a government of men who know Thee, the Almighty God, as their Friend,

and who place Thy will first in their lives as well as in their prayers.

Hear and answer, we pray Thee,

forgiving us all our unworthiness;

cleansing us from every ignoble thought and unworthy ambition

that we may be renewed in spirit and mind and heart, through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
