Prayer For The Protection Of A Child

Righteous God, I pray that my child continues to grow in his/her love for You, because I know that for those who love you, all things work together for good, for those who are called according to Your purpose. Therefore, I praise You because my child is protected by Your promise, a promise of good things for Your people. Thank You for being the Light of my child's life, continue to protect him/her. Amen.

Father who art in heaven, I pray against those the enemy has put in positions to oppose and destroy my child. I pray that my child will not be despised by those around them, because I know that my child's angels are always in the presence of You and look upon the face of You. I proclaim protection over my child because they are innocent and significant in Your eyes. I pray against the spiritual warfare that is taking place against my child. Amen.

Protect my children, Father God, each and every day. As they go to school, and as they come back home, be their shield and their fortress. Keep them away from the evils of this world. Let no bad influence corrupt their precious minds. Let no accidents fall on them while they're away from home. Allow no physical harm to touch their bodies. Keep them away from illness.

Last but not least, Lord, bless their studies. Allow them to gain more knowledge both about You and the universe You created. May they develop minds that seek the Truth above all.

All these I ask in Your Name, Amen.

Heavenly Father, I thank you that all good gifts come from you. I thank you that I can trust you for the future of my family. Please guide my child in every step they take. I pray they would know your provision and protection. Make steady their steps I pray. Amen

Dear Lord Jesus. Thank you so much for all the precious children in this world. We know they mean so much to you. We pray you would help us do all we can to protect and give them the start in life they deserve. Lord we bring to you all of the wonderful work being done to release children from poverty, and we pray that you would bless every pair of hands that works for you. Increase and bless their efforts in Jesus name, Amen.

Lord God, we praise you that you are fully in control of all things. I pray you would protect my child. Keep them healthy and help them to thrive. I thank you that you know every hair on their head. You know exactly when they rise and when they fall. Watch over my child in every area of their life and keep them safe I pray, Amen.

Father, I thank You that You invite us into Your protection; that when we seek You and make You our God that You promise to command Your angels to watch over us (Psalm 91:9-12).

I pray now that You would protect my children as they go throughout their days. Hem them in behind and before and lay Your hand upon them (Psalm 139:5). Do not let any harm come to them. Keep each of my children safe beneath Your wings and guard them against any plots that are meant to harm or bring ruin to them. Be close to each of my children, Lord, surround them with Your favor as with a shield (Psalm 5:11-12).

I pray You would protect them in all the ways they walk; in their coming out and their going in. Guard them against diseases of the mind and body, accidents, predators and kinds of evil and evil-doers. Anoint each of my children with Your favor and protection, letting them rest safely between Your shoulders (Deuteronomy 33:12).

Father, as my children walk through their days, I pray You would give them clear direction in doing Your will, so they may remain within Your protection. Give them wisdom to know when to shy away from potential harm, both physically and spiritually. Then help them courageously walk away from it. May the blood of Jesus ash over each of my children, covering them as they walk through this day and every day of their lives. In Jesus' mighty name, Amen.

Lord, we know You love Your children, and we pray that when they must work, that You would protect children's growing bodies. Please keep them safe and free of injuries and toxins. Deliver them from oppressive bosses and hazardous conditions. Make it possible from children at risk to stay in school.