Prayer For The Love Of My Life

Dear Lord,

I come to you with all my heart and I ask You to bring the love of my life back to me. I know i have hurt so many people and made so many mistakes, I ask for Your forgiveness O Lord. Please Let him open his eyes and allow him to see the love that we shared. That I am different and this time everything will be amazing than what it was. This time You will be in the center of our relationship. This time there is no room for taking him for granted or anyone.

Lord Jesus I ask you to open up his heart and to show him and lead him back to me. And that we he sees me again he can touch me and hold me again. That he may see how in love I am with him. Please Lord open up his heart and his eyes to you, show him the way back to me, show him the signs that the relationship between the both of us are not over but this is just temporary.

You brought us together for a reason. I believe the reason for this break up which I know is temporary, even though he might not think that way is for me to be a new person, to love myself to appreciate others and I see that now Lord, something I could never see. But I also know that this is also a reason for me to make everything better and great than it ever was.

I ask You for him and You gave me exactly what I asked for, and I am not done with him, we are not done Lord and You know that I have so much for to offer, so much more love to shower him with, I trust in You Lord and I believe that You will show him the path back to me. I love you Lord. Thank you dear Father.

Dear God, please help me heal

From grief, loss and the pain of love in my past

And let me be whole and happy again

I have been needy and overly-anxious,

I have felt desperate and too willing to settle.

Calm the need in me that makes unwise choices.

Sooth the soreness in my soul that makes me crave love.

Restore my faith in love and divine timing.

Bring true love to me, in the right time, for the right reasons.

Please end to separating between me and my true love.

Let the healing process must begin inside my heart.


Dear Father, I pray for protection and security for my love one. Please Lord, keep him safe daily under your guaranteed care and do not allow him to stray from your sight ever. Please Lord, just as you promised in your Words, give your Angels charge over him and never allow him fall prey into the hands of the enemy.

Dear God, Loving essence of all there is, please fill me with your sacred presence. I ask for your love and guidance and for your blessings. As I explore the deep reaches of my heart, I ask for your assistance in releasing all that stands in the way of true love. May I be embraced in the circle of your love, may I be uplifted by your grace and may the arms of my true beloved find me. And so it is.

Loving You is the best thing that has happened to me Oh Lord. You have stood by me ever since the fateful day that I accepted Your company. You have showered me with Your pure love, blessings, miracles, and divine protection. In fact, this prayer is only due to Your power. By which, You kept me alive to see today and to make a request. I pray, Father in Heaven that You open the eyes of my family and friends. And for the ones who love You like I do, Father keep both their eyes and mine open to Your devotion and adoration. I bless Your divine name for this deep and short prayer for love. In Jesus Name I Pray, Amen.

God, I thank You for granting me the resolve to stand before You today in acceptance of my faults and wrongs. I know I have treated him/her badly and the pain I'm feeling is due to my levity on the part of his/her feelings. Please, God, I pray for an opportunity from You to apologize for my wrongdoings. He or she is the other half of methe one that makes me whole. Father, I believe he or she is my completion and I pray that he returns to me. With open hands, I'll welcome him/her into my warm embrace. Thank You once again for another miracle, Amen.

Dear God, My heart is pure; my intentions clear. I ask for your guidance and your help In finding my soul mate, my most perfect partner. I seek a partner who enhances me by his/her very being... Who brings more love, joy, peace and prosperity to my life... Who I can love fully and who can fully receive my love... Who loves, honors and cherishes me completely, and always. May I know love when my true love comes to me. May I let love in. May I be willing to allow my soul to know the truth May my heart be open and my head be clear. May my life be ready to welcome True love.


Thank you for your great love for us. You sent your only Son to live with us and show us how to love. He gave His life for us and resurrected on that third day so that we could also be with you in eternity!

Lord, to feel just an inch of the radiance of your love and the glow from your excellence will be more than we can imagine. Knowing your love for us is humbling too. Amen,