Prayer For The Intercession Of St Anthony

St. Anthony, lover of the least and lowly, you reached out to the sick with a generous and compassionate heart. Please be with me at this time of ill health, and accompany me as I face this sickness and all the uncertainties of infirmity. Help me experience God's healing power through your prayers, as well as my own.

If I suffer, lead me to unite myself to the Cross of Jesus Christ, so that this suffering can bring spiritual benefit to me and to others. May my bearing the cross of illness here on earth prepare me for new life in the eternal joys of perfect happiness and fullness of life with God forever in Heaven. Amen.

I salute you, St. Anthony, lily of purity, ornament and glory of Christianity.

I salute you, great Saint, cherub of wisdom and seraph of divine love. I rejoice at the favors Our Lord has so liberally bestowed on you.

In humility and confidence I entreat you to help me, for I know that God has given you charity and compassion, as well as power.

I ask you, by the love you felt toward the Holy Infant Jesus as you held Him in your arms, to tell Him now of the favors I seek through your intercession. (Mention your petition.)

O glorious favorite of God, in humble reverence I petition you to grant me what I so urgently ask for, and I will make known your goodness and holiness, thereby to honor and glorify Him who has so greatly blessed you. Amen.

O Holy St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God and Charity for His creatures, made you worthy, when on earth, to possess miraculous powers. Encouraged by this thought, I implore you to obtain for me (request). O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the sweet Infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms; and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours. Amen.

O Merciful Jesus, you granted Saint Anthony the wisdom and gifts necessary to guide souls to holiness through his preaching and priestly ministry. Grant that we may approach the Sacrament of Reconciliation, the great gift of your love, with humility and faith.

O Lord, you made Saint Anthony an untiring preacher of the Gospels along mankind's many paths. In your Fatherly mercy protect the homeless, refugees and migrants; keep them safe from every danger and guide their steps along the path of peace.

O God Almighty, you have made Saint Anthony a constructor of peace and fraternal charity. Look upon the victims of violence and war. Grant that in this confused world full of tensions, we may become courageous witnesses of non-violence, promoting human life and peace.

O Holy St Anthony, the gentlest and kindest of Saints, your burning love of God, your exalted virtue, and your great charity towards your fellow creatures, made you worthy, when on earth to possess miraculous powers such as were given to no other saint.

Miracle waited on your word, and that word you were ever ready to speak at the request of those in trouble.

The anxious prayer of bitter trial was never addressed to you in vain.

To the sick you gave back health; you restored what was lost; the sorrow stricken were the objects of your tender compassion; even the dead you raised to life when the wounded heart cried out to you from the depths of its bitter anguish.

When on earth nothing was impossible with you, except not to have compassion on those in distress and sorrow.

Encouraged by this thought, and convinced of the efficacy of your holy intercession, we kneel before your holy image, and full of confidence, we implore you to obtain for us (here mention your request).

The answer to this our prayer may require a miracle. Even so, are you not the Saint of Miracles, who, when on earth, had but to speak the mightiest wonders were wrought!

O gentle and loving St Anthony, you whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whispers our prayer into the ears of the Infant Jesus, who loved to linger in your arms.

One word from you and our prayer will be granted. O, speak but that word and the gratitude of our heart will ever be yours!


Oh dear Saint Anthony, I am close to your blessed tomb.

I came to pray driven by my need and my confidence in your compassionate goodness which consoles everyone. Please become my intercessor before God; speak in my name to the merciful Father, and obtain for me the grace I particularly need.

I know that my faith is weak; but you, who had this admirable virtue and inflamed it by preaching to the crowds, enliven it inside my heart and make me stronger and pure. You who led an evangelical life, help me to render mine a more Christian one, so that I may become a worthy son of our Heavenly Father.

O Saint Anthony, come to the rescue of my weakness, taking away the diseases and dangers of soul and body; help me to always put my trust in God, especially in times of trial and suffering. Bless my work, my family, your devotees around the world or spiritually present here: obtain for all benevolence of heart towards the poor and the suffering.

Oh my protector, respond to the confidence I always put in your intercession to the Lord.