Prayer For The Kingdom Of God

God, I want to build your kingdom and not my own. Jesus, I confess that my pride and vanity get in the way of your kingdom being built in my life. I think of myself more highly than I should. I pray you will grant me humility. I pray I will embrace the gifts that you have given to me and use them to bring you glory, not myself.

When the devil comes in like a flood, Abba Father, the Spirit of God will lift up a standard against him and I will stand and declare that as a child of the One, True, Living God, I have rights in Your Kingdom!

As I soak in Your presence Lord, saturate my life with Your provision. Crown me with Your loving kindness and tender mercies.

Help me to focus my attention solely on You Father. May I wait patiently for You and be of good courage so You will keep me in perfect peace.

I will be justified by the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart. These mercies I pray, in the beautiful and matchless name of Jesus ChristSO BE ITAmen and Amen!

Almighty God, it is my prayer that the fruit of Your Word be planted and rooted deep within my heart. As I walk with You, Lord, I pray that the legal rights given to me will be manifested.

Health, success, prosperity, peace, happiness and joy are just some of those rights that You have granted through the blood of Your precious Son, Jesus Christ. May the promises of Your Word bring me to the place of glory in Your Kingdom and bring out the best in me.

God, I want to build your kingdom and not my own. When a person is a prisoner, their liberties have been stripped from them. Lord, I confess I do not live like my liberties have been stripped. Instead I live like I have the freedom to do whatever I want. As a Christian, I am a prisoner of the Lord. If that's the case, my liberty is no longer found in doing my will, but in doing God's will. Lord, I thank you that you are not an angry, overbearing warden. You are a gracious and loving father and I pray you will pour out your grace; help me to walk in a manner worthy of the calling you have placed on my life. Jesus, help me to be humble, patient, and gentle. Allow me the strength to bear with others in love. Help me to walk in true liberty by walking in your will and not my own.

God, I want to build your kingdom and not my own. Jesus, I confess that I spend much of my day thinking about how I can lay up treasures here on earth. I allow the world to tell me that what I have is not enough and that I need to spend my money and time accumulating more. Jesus, please help me to break free from earthly treasures that can be taken away from me, and help me to cling to you, my heavenly treasure.

God, I want to build your kingdom and not my own. I need you to show me that this life is temporary. I ask that you would put eternity into my heart and that I would long to be in my heavenly dwelling more than my earthly home. You have only given me one life and I want to live it with more purpose, on a mission with you. Lord, I pray that you would give me the eyes to see this place as a temporary home and that my heart would be at home in you alone. Help me to see that this life is but a mist and a fleeting breath.

God, I want to build your kingdom and not my own. Lord, I know that building your kingdom instead of my own starts with repentance. Jesus, I am sorry for how I live my life trying to control everything and everyone, including you. I don't want to be in control. I want to have a repentant heart, turning from the sin that keeps me seeking my own glory instead of yours. Jesus, please keep the words "repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand," always before me so that I will fight hard against my sin and work hard to bring your kingdom here.

God, my desire is to build your kingdom and not my own, but I confess most of the time I live like that is not true. I spend so much of my day trying to build my kingdom, making myself, instead of you, the center of this life. Lord, I need your spirit to remind me minute-by-minute that this life is not all about me. It is all about you. Your word says the time is coming when every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and your Kingdom will be made complete. In the end, that will be all that matters. Nothing I build for my own glory will be left so I ask you to help me stop spending this life focused on myself. Jesus, I want to see my daily life through the eyes of your kingdom. Help me to seek your kingdom in my heart, mind, and life.