Prayer For The Incarcerated

Awesome God, creator of heaven and earth I come before you today to worship and bless your holy name. You are from everlasting to everlasting, and there is none like you, my Father and King. Thank you, Father, for making it possible for us to find our true identity in Christ and not in ourselves. Lord, I pray for people in prison that are struggling with their identity. Help them to know that their true identity is in Christ and not in what they have done. May they find freedom in Jesus and live a life that is pleasing unto you. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

Dear Jesus, because of your unconditional love we who were once prisoners to the devil are now free. But Lord, there are people in this world, especially those who are in prison that do not know about your unconditional love. Jesus, send the right people to preach to them the true gospel that they may know how much you love them and embrace that love so that they can experience true freedom even when they are still behind bars. I thank you, and I honor you highly for you are the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Amen.

Heavenly Father, life in prison is very hard, especially for those who have gone there for the very first time. Lord, please comfort them, and give them the strength to face one day at a time. See them through these tough times and let them come to know you as the God that comforts them. Lord, even though they have sinned against you, I know that you have forgiven them and you're going to turn their lives around if only they can believe in you. Instead of looking for comfort in other things, please help them to turn to you. Remind them of how much you love them. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray. Amen.

Lord, so many people have chosen to walk in the ways of sinners because they don't know who you are. Some have not heard about you while others know that you exist but because they have never had a personal relationship with you because they think that you are harsh. As a result, they have been imprisoned because of the wrong things they were caught doing. Lord, nothing is too complicated for you. You can reach out to them even when they're in prison and cause them to know you. Use vessels that you have placed in jail to help them know your son Jesus and Him were crucified so that they can start living a life that is worth before you. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray. Amen.

Heavenly Father, even though some people have been behind bars for a very long time, they are not sorry for their mistakes. The enemy has blinded them by making them believe that they are on the right track. But Lord, you created us to worship you. Convict their hearts and help them to know that whatever they are doing is not right before your sight. Fill them with the desire to know Jesus Christ so that they can start living for Him. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Dear God, I am sorry for taking my freedom for granted. Lord, bad influence from friends and family has made some people end up in prison. They are scared and fearful. Lord, remove fear from their hearts and fill it with your peace that surpasses all understanding. May they come to know you the creator of heaven and earth that they may not become hardened by prison life but may start worshiping you in spirit and truth. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

Lord, you know that some people that are behind bars are not criminals. Some are suffering in prison because of the gospel of Jesus. Lord, I ask you to strengthen them. Help them to continue fixing their eyes on Jesus' despite the hardships they face. May they see their life in prison as an opportunity for them to preach the Gospel to other inmates and lead them to your kingdom. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

Father God, please be a source of protection to everyone that is in prison. Cause those that make the lives of other prisoners troublesome by attacking and harming them to stop. Shield prisoners whose lives are in danger with your righteous right hand. Protect them from the arrows of the enemy and lead them to your presence. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray. Amen.