Prayer For The Homeless And Poor

Lord, may justice flow like a river Reaching barren lands and sun scorched deserts Where people feel forgotten and hopeless Let your water of life Comfort them Where children lie abandoned or abused Let your water of life Protect them Where communities suffer at the hands of prejudice Let your water of life Shield them Lord, we ask for a mighty downpour from Heaven May your sons and daughters hear your voice May we live as you lead us to live Go as you bid us to go Serve as you inspire us to serve Give as you teach us to give Until the earth is covered with the glory of God As the waters cover the sea Amen

Lord God, You came to give honour to the least, those forgotten, overlooked and misjudged. You came to give first place to the last, those left behind, misunderstood and undervalued. You came to give a warm welcome to the lost, those who are orphaned, abandoned and destitute. Help us to be your ears to listen to their cries. Help us to be your voice speaking out love and acceptance. Help us to be your feet walking beside those in need. Help us to be your hands to clothe, feed and shelter them. You came for the least, the lost and last of this world. Lord, hear our prayer. Amen.

Prayer brings life to our relationship with God.Gods word says that For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.Jeremiah 29:11

I pray and plead the Blood of Jesus Christ for all the homeless people, for all broken families, for all unemployed, for all the women and children who are alone without any help, for all the animals who are homeless and sick, for all the sick people who are suffering, for all the old people, for all the people who are affected by wars, natural disasters, for all the broken marriages,the victims of various circumstances, for all the poor people, for all the Job operating Companies/Industries for which their business have hurt due to bad economy.

May the blood of Jesus Christ cleanse my sins as well as their sins so that they might be healed and their prayers will be answered without any hindrances. May the precious Blood of Jesus Christ protect them from all evils and guide them and give them strength, hope, comfort, healing, peace, prosperity and Good health. I call forth, in the Name of Jesus, all of God's plans and purposes for their lives and their families. Lord Jesus Christ I pray that you will have mercy on them and deliver each one of them in their times of trouble. I surrender all the above people to you, knowing that they will be very safe in your hands.

Lord Jesus, I ask you to bless me and every person I have prayed for today and everyday and send Your mighty angels to protect all of us in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen!

Heavenly Father we thank you because Your Word says that because You love us, You gave your only begotten Son to die for us. So, we thank you that Your love extends to every ethnic group, all genders, race, colour and socio-economic classifications. Right now, we offer this prayer for the homeless, poor and hungry. We pray that you will bless all men, women and children who may be without shelter across the globe. Also we pray for divine covering and blessing upon the homeless, poor and hungry who have no one to take them in.

We pray that Your Holy Spirit will flood them with warmth, security, protection and strength in Jesus Name. And we declare Psalm 46, that you shall be their refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. We pray that they shall not fear even though the mountains may feel as though they are shaking; the Lord of Hosts shall be with them, because the God of Jacob is their refuge. We commit this prayer to You, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Dear God,

Today we pray for the thousands of people in our country who are without a place to call home. You know the desperation of mothers and fathers who have no safe place for their children and for themselves.

We remember the individuals who are challenged with illnesses of every kind and yet, who have to rely upon the largess of communities, too many of whom find it far too easy to turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to these persons. The resources for homeless people have are never enough.

We pray for the individuals, the churches and ministries and the other organizations who have cared enough to be sensitive to the plight of those without homes and who are doing something about it. Grant them wisdom, enough resources of every kind, and the courage to persevere. We pray these things in the name of the Savior who never stops caring.

Thanks be to God.


O Lord, so often poverty leads to persons and families to live on the edge, day by day, even forcing some of them into living without a home to call their own. Through our involvement with Room at the Inn and the opportunity to meet and greet them as our special guests, give us sensitivity, compassion, understanding, and a willingness to lift up such persons, calling them by name, and seeking to affirm them in their present context, and use us to give also to them a sense of hope.

Holy God, we come before You to pray and remember our brothers and sisters who have no home, no shelter, no bed, and no safe place to lay their head. Their lives have been turned inside out for a number of reasonsloss of job, sickness, domestic violence, mental illness and the list goes on.

Help us to be more aware of the immense pain and suffering they endure and move our hearts to respond to their plight. Create in us a heart space for mutual respect, recognizing that all gifts are from You, our Provident God and need to be shared among the many, not only the few.

Help us to dream a new reality where all are welcomed, cared for, and loved. May we live and act in the belief that we are one sacred community. Amen.

O Lord, bless those who speak the language understood by Hispanics and African-Americans and so are able to tell them with their lips and show them with their hearts your love in Jesus. Enable us to see poverty not through statistics or studies, but through the faces of those who are homeless. Thank you for giving us the challenge and opportunity to see in the faces of those whom we serve your face. In the name of Jesus. Amen.