Prayer For The Homeless In Winter

God of compassion, Your love for humanity was revealed in Jesus, whose earthly life began in the poverty of a stable and ended in the pain and isolation of the cross. We pray before you for those who are homeless and cold especially in the bitter winter weather. Father, how thankful we are that we have place that is cold home. We truly pray for all those suffering and sleeping on the streets, especially Father for children, who are so weak and vulnerable. Father make a way for them and draw them near, comfort them in spirit and bless those who work to provide them with shelter, food and friendship.

In the name of Jesus Christ, AMEN

O God our Father, your Son lived without a place to lay his head. The inn was crowded and he was born in a barn. Now many of your children live without even a barn over their heads. We lament our hard-heartedness and a cruel system that leaves them stranded on sidewalks and under bridges. We pray for them your sustenance and warm presence. We pray for their relief from raw faces, and pinched fingers and toes. We pray for an increased abundance of heated places they may go for shelter. And we pray in thanksgiving for our own gift of heat and shelter. In our fullness and riches, give us an awareness of the chilly suffering of your homeless children. Save us from frozen hearts and make us a people ready and able to share of our warmth. These things we lift up in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, who invite all people out of the cold and into the fire of everlasting fellowship. Amen.