Prayer For The Depressed

Dear God,
Beginning now, I no longer feel depressed.
My depressed mood is cast out and replaced with your peace.
Tranquility permeates my being, soothing my emotions and filling my mind and heart with joyous serenity.
I accept your gift of peace.
I come to you, Dear God, and my mood is lifted.
I fully accept your peaceful presence, and I feel calm.
This moment is holy, for in this moment, I enter into your spirit of peace.
Thank you, dear God, for helping me to elevate my mood.
Thank you God for your priceless gift of peace. I will cherish it, and I promise to share it with others.

In Jesus Christ's name, Amen.

Dear God,
I pray that I live my life in joy.
Whatever is keeping me from the full expression of joy; I pray that it is spiritually removed, or that I can look beyond it, to discover the true beauty in my life.
I want to live more; I want to expand my awareness; I want to live in joy.
Help me dear God to realize this now.
Thank You, God.

In Jesus Christ's name, Amen.

Loving Lord, I come to You on behalf of a friend and colleague that I care about but who is going through such deep depression. Sadly, he seems to have given up on life and does not want to speak to me or anyone else, causing him to sink lower in the cess-pit of doubting Your love, despairing of life and sinking into an ever deepening depression.

Lord, I pray that You would meet this man at his point of need, and give Him the reassurance of Your love in his spirit and Your hope in his heart. I ask You Lord, to lift the curtain of doubt that has played such havoc with his assurance of salvation in You, and which has caused him to walk away from the joy he once knew in You.

Give me wisdom as I lift my friend up in prayer. Show me the way that I can be a support to him in his time of trouble. Meet him Lord, at his point of need I pray, restore to him the joy of Your salvation and give him the peace that only comes from You. I ask this in Jesus' name,


O Lord God, life has become such a struggle and I find that my faith in You is being seriously challenged, but Lord, I know that Your Word says that You are there for me all the time, and that You would never leave me to struggle alone. Please help me to turn my thoughts to You every single time this black depression tries to descend upon me. Please bring to my mind those Scripture that tell the truth of Your love and grace.

Be with me Lord, at those times when doubts of Your love for me rise up in my mind, and help me to reaffirm in my heart all that You have done for me, throughout my life. When my faith is threatened by those negative thoughts that say that You could never love me, let me remember that You loved me so much that You died to save me and have clothed me in Your perfect righteousness.

When assurance in my salvation and eternal security starts to waver, help me to recall that You loved me so much that You sent Your only begotten Son to die for me and pay the price for all my sins and help me to reaffirm the truth in my heart. Thank You, Lord, for Your great love for me.

When I find myself wandering far from You and little murmurings rise in my heart, that You cant love me as much as other people because things are so difficult in my life, prevent me from dwelling on such lies which come from the pit, and help me dwell on You. You alone are good and gracious and faithful and true.

And Lord, when depression is set to invade my peace, help me to claim the promise that Your grace is sufficient for me, and help me to trust You in all things. Thank You, Lord, in Jesus' name I pray,


Dear God,
I pray that you will help me get beyond feeling weighed down by the burden of hurt feelings of the past.
Help me to get beyond yesterday's upset thoughts.
I pray for healing.
I know that nothing can withstand the healing power of God's love.
I open my heart to God's love, and I bask in the glow of Divine light and understanding.
I pray for healing in God's love today.

In Jesus Christ's name, Amen.

O Lord God, I feel weak and weary, helpless and hopeless. Darkness seems to have invaded my very being. Lord God, at times I just want to give up in despair, as a black depression slowly descends on me and there seems little that I can do to stop it.

And yet I know that this is not Your will for my life, for You came from heaven to give us light and hope and You have said that Your strength is made perfect in my weakness.

Be my strength I pray in my weakness. Be my light in my darkness. Be my hope in this deep depression and be that perfect love that casts out the fear and pain that I have in my heart, which so often tries to put its icy fingers around my throat. Give me a sense of Your presence and Your closeness, and pour into my heart that peace You promised to all Your children, that passes understanding, I pray.

Lord God, I cry to You at this time of depression in my life, for in my heart I know that You alone are my only hope. Lift me Lord from this crippling depression, and draw me back into close fellowship with Yourself. I truly believe that when my mind is thinking about You, that depression has little opportunity to invade my peace. Help me to keep my mind on You and Your many precious promises. In Jesus' name I pray,


O Christ Jesus,
when all is darkness
and we feel our weakness and helplessness,
give us the sense of your presence,
your love, and your strength.
Help us to have perfect trust
in your protecting love
and strengthening power,
so that nothing may frighten or worry us,
for, living close to you,
we shall see your hand,
your purpose, your will through all things.

Dear God,
I come to you in my hour of need. I ask you to touch my mind and uplift my thoughts, change my seeming realities that I'm thinking about my life, change my opinion of what is and what can be.
God, I ask that you to give me a sense of well being again. I pray that you help me find my smile, both on my face and in my soul. God I cannot do this by myself, so I turn to you, and I surrender.

In Jesus Christ's name, Amen.