Prayer For The Discouraged

Father God, I need Your help. I love my child(ren), but I am at a loss as to how best to be a parent to them, and I doubt my abilities. Only by Your power can I do Your will and honor You by the way I parent the children You have given me. Lord, when I am tempted to despair, let me remember how patient You are towards me. Help me to rely on Your Spirit to produce the fruit of patience within me. I need it to come from You. I have run out of my own patience. Thank You for adopting me as Your own child. Amen.

God, my Deliverer, I am tired. I am tired of being sick and resentful of my health issues. Lord, I long for healing, and I ask that You do so if it's according to Your will. But, above all, give me patience in the way Paul had patience with his health conditions make me more aware of Your grace and its sufficiency for me. I am sure of Your promise of one day receiving a new body and to enjoy the glorification awaiting those who believe. Thank You for Your comfort. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Lord God, I have invested so much at my workplace, only for me to be passed over for this promotion. In the face of dismay, let me take joy in You, the God of my salvation. I know there is still good work that You have prepared for me to do. Grant me grace and humility towards my boss and colleagues that I might demonstrate the fruits of the Spirit in how I respond to this situation. Keep me from being envious of how You bless others, but instead to trust in Your goodness already given to me. I trust in the name of the Lord, my God. Amen.

Sovereign God, You are the God who knows the beginning from the end. You know that I have organized and made plans, which have now come to nothing. In my disappointment with these canceled plans, I need to be reminded of Your goodness already present in my life. I will meditate on Your Word, which reminds me that the steps of a good man are directed by the Lord. You are my comfort and hope. Amen.

Father, I am having a difficult time with someone, and I do not know how to navigate my relationship with them. Please help me to be patient and value him/her as You do. Help me make the effort to grow in my relationships with this person. Open my ears and mind so I can understand this person better. Help us mend our differences and grow closer together. I know how good and pleasant it is when Your people live together in unity. Lord, I love You. Amen.

Dear God, I know that nothing in all creation could ever separate me from the love of Christ. In the face of rejection, help me to take joy in that truth; You have not rejected me. You have accepted me; my worth comes from my identity as Your child which came through believing in Your Son, not from anything or anyone else. You loved me and chose me in Christ to be holy and without fault in Your eyes. Let me be grounded in my heavenly citizenship, accepted by You. I take joy in You, the God who loves me. Amen.

God Most High, I need You. Your Word says not to worry about tomorrow, but I cannot help but feel anxious about finances. Remind me that You are my provider. Remind me that everything in the world belongs to You. Remind me that my true treasure is in heaven and cannot be taken away from me. In this time, teach me contentment and help me to trust that You know what I need and that You can provide. As the psalmist states, give me neither poverty nor riches; I ask this for myself. In You only do I trust. Amen.

My Heavenly Father, without a job, I feel I have no purpose. I know that there is a purpose You have given to me and I desire a job where I can fulfill this purpose. Just as You look after the sparrows and lilies, I know that You will look after me so much more. Help me remember not to worry or stress about finding work but instead to trust You. As You have taught me, let me ask for my daily bread and have the faith that You will provide it. May I look expectantly to a new day tomorrow with its possibilities. Amen.