Prayer For The City

Dear Father, I pray against city leaders who are driven by satanic kingdoms and principles in Jesus Name. Lord, please transform their thinking and destroy their waywardness by the blood of Jesus. Help our city leaders to put on the mind of Christ, because Your Word says, to set Your mind on things above and not on the things of the earth. So Father, help every city leader to set their mind on what You have called them to do, according to Your will and purpose, Amen.

Dear Lord, Your Word says that if we are faithful in obeying the voice of the Lord, then the Lord Our God will set you high above all the nations of the earth. Therefore, I pray that every city leader will obey Your voice and these blessing shall come upon them and overtake them in Jesus Name. I declare that blessed shall every leader be in the city they serve. This is the prayer of my heart, Amen.

Heavenly Father, I bless Your Name for our city leaders. I pray that they will not grow weary of doing good, but in due season they will reap all the things they strive for because Your Word says that You will give us the desires of our hearts. Lord grant them their desires for the city You have made them ruler over and I pray that You will help them to not give up, Amen.

Heavenly Father, we bless You because You are the Lord over our cities. We pray for every city leader, that even though they may not know what to do in tough times, their eyes will be fixed on You. Lord, grant them wisdom and help them to remember that it is You who gives wisdom because from Your mouth comes knowledge and understanding. We thank You Lord, for granting wisdom for our city leaders, Amen.

Heavenly Father, we pray for city leaders as You give them responsibility to watch and guide over the nations they serve. Lord, just as you told prophet Ezekiel, that You have made him watchmen for the people of Israel; I pray for city leaders, that they will be godly watchmen and watchwomen over Your creation. We pray that just as You renewed Ezekiel's call as watchman, I pray that you will renew the call for every city leader, Amen.

Father God, please protect our citizens in our community and those in the surrounding neighborhoods. I know that You have provided Your own rod of correction for our community through the local law enforcement agencies that You have sovereignly placed here and so protect us and so help us to protect our own neighborhoods too and to watch out for the interests of others (Phil 2:4). For those of us who have trusted in You O God, we know You are our protector and defender, and that ultimately I have no need to fear what anyone can do to me (Matt 10:28; Heb 13:6). Help me to depend on You in all circumstances and to know that nothing happens outside of Your divine will in my life because it's always in my best interests (Rom 8:28) and so thank You for giving us these men and women in authority for our protection for I know that they are those who wield the sword for the You (Rom 13) and so I ask You to bless them and protect them as well as my own family and friends and in Jesus' strong name I pray, amen.

Righteous Father, You know how we are all so connected by family, friendship, fellowship, and faith so we Christians should be united in praying for our local community and for those who have not yet trusted in Christ. It is for those who are separated from You God that we pray for, that You would open their minds to see their falling desperately short of Your glory (Rom 3:32) and that we all deserve only death but You offer all who would come to You eternal life, found only in Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12; Rom 6:23). Please help me and my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to not be afraid to speak up and tell others that dying outside of having faith in Christ will result in eternal punishment (Rev 20:12-15). We should care enough about people to warn them about God's wrath being on all who refuse to believe in Christ (John 3:36b) so put a tender heart for the lost in my chest. I ask all of these things for the glory of and in the name of the Great Son of God, Jesus Christ, amen.

Holy God, my Father, thank You for the many blessings that our local community has. I pray for those who are in the offices that govern this community and county and that they make wise and godly decisions which are always in the best interests of the community. I am glad that we have the freedom to speak up and vote for those who oppose our set of values. Even if I differ from these leaders, I pray for them to be blessed by You God and also those who are in law enforcement. Please protect them in their line of duty so that they might protect those of us who have placed our trust in them. God, please bless these men and women in city government, the mayor's office, the commission, and all elected officials and certainly those who put themselves in harm's way like law enforcement, firefighters, and EMS workers. I am so thankful we have all of these and in Jesus' precious name I pray, amen.