Prayer For Teens

Almighty God, when I descend into negativity and depression, help me to take every thought captive for Jesus Christ. Fill me with Your hope, and protect my mind and heart from the lies of the adversary. In times of discouragement, help me to cling to You, Jesus, and soak up Your strength. Help me raise a hallelujah, even when I'm down because praise is a great weapon! Amen.

Dear Holy Spirit, I thank You that when You are operating in me, I am no longer ordinary. You bless me with unexpected courage, knowledge, and power. May I mirror You and walk in obedience to You, and may I receive Your power so that You accomplish in and through me infinitely more than I could ever ask or imagine. May my life be one of service to You, utilizing the spiritual gifts You have given me to draw others to You and build up Your kingdom. Amen.

Heavenly Father, I thank You that I am Your child I can come to You, crying out Abba! Daddy! I thank you that You created me in Your image. Help me to comprehend my identity as Your son/daughter, and that I am completely accepted in Your unconditional love. May I serve You with the motivation of deep thankfulness for Your unceasing love and acceptance. Amen.

Heavenly Father, please help me grow in my knowledge of You through my time in the Word and at church and youth group. Help me not to fall for what everyone around me believes is good or evil. Give me spiritual eyes to see what belief systems, what ethical systems and what teachings are right and wrong, so that I won't be deceived. Help me use Your Word as a measuring stick to discern true morality and goodness. Amen.

Dear God, I hate the sarcastic hurtful words on social media and even in person: words that make people feel excluded or insecure, words that cause harm. Sometimes those words are directed at me, and they hurt. I confess that sometimes I am the initiator of hurtful words. Forgive me Lord; help me to only speak words that encourage. Help me not to respond to others in anger or hurt, but to bless instead. Help me to discourage others from hate speech. Amen.

Heavenly Father, every day I have to make decisions. Help me make good choices through Your Holy Spirit wisdom. Help me to keep the big picture in mind, and not get distracted by the small stuff. Help me remember that values matter. Help me to learn from my mistakes in the past. Help me not to procrastinate. Help me to seek the wisdom of others and especially You when I don't know what to do. Amen.

Lord, help me to be a person of integrity. May I carefully follow Your instructions. Give me joy as I follow You with all my heart. Give me strength not to compromise with evil. May my actions consistently reflect You. If I slip and fail, please don't give up on me! Please don't let me wander away. Help me hide Your Word in my heart so I won't sin against You, and so I honor You. Amen.

Holy Father, thank You that reverence of You is the beginning of true knowledge. Teach me wisdom and discipline in all aspects of my life. Make me successful in my studies, in my relationships with others, and in my future. Help me to do what is just, right and fair. Give me insight and discernment. Help me to listen and to learn from the correction and instruction of my parents, my spiritual leaders, and my teachers. Amen.