Prayer For Teenage Son

Dear Lord I lift up my son/daughter to you. You know what we have been through, how we have suffered and what a toll this has taken on us. First Lord I offer my son/daughter back to you. You gave him/her to us as a gift and now I lay them at your feet. I cannot love this child the way that I need to but I ask that you would love them through me.

In Jesus name I command the fears, worries, cares and burdens of this situation to leave my mind. Lord, I ask that you fill me with a supernatural peace that passes all understanding. In Jesus name I break this spirit of rebellion off of my son/daughter. I claim him/her for the kingdom of God. God has a plan and a purpose for my child's life. I am determined that they will fulfill their divine assignment on this earth. Satan I now command you to leave my son/daughter. You have no power over them. I cover them under the blood of the Lamb.

Father, open my son's/daughter's eyes and heart to see what darkness he/she is living in. Let them see the difference between right and wrong. Show them clearly the sin they are living in. Help them to make wise choices. Lord I pray that you would send Godly people into my son's/daughter's life. Surround him/her with protective angels. Allow no hurt or harm to come his/her way. Let him/her know how much you them and that you have a plan for your life. Continue to give me unconditional love and patience.

In Jesus name I refuse to be INTIMIDATED by my son/daughter. I will not allow fear to control me. The bible says that when we fear people it's like a snare we are entrapped by the person. I now choose faith not fear. When I am around my son/daughter I will see myself 16' tall and will not allow them to control me.

In Jesus name I pray. amen

Our Father, who is in heaven, hallowed be Your Name. I thank you for your divine blessings in my life. I thank You Father for my teenage son. Your Word says, that before You formed my son in the womb, you knew him. Father, help my teenage son to understand the authority that you have place inside of him. Help him to not accept negative talk, negative actions, negative deeds over His life, but help him to recognize the Christ-like identity' that You have placed inside him.

Father, will you release my son from the strongholds that may plaque his life right now? Will you release him from emotional, physical and spiritual hurts, and grant Your emotional, physical and spiritual protection over my son? Please keep evil far away from him and help him to trust in Your Word, because you are his refuge and strength; a very present help in times of trouble. Guard his mind and every thought that is not of You. Help my son(s) to find rest in You, this I ask. Amen.

Father, Sometimes I feel bewildered by the world. I don't understand how there can be such richness beside such poverty. Help me to be generous and thoughtful of others. I feel upset when I hear others cruel words or see hatred or prejudice. Help me to be loving and accepting of all I meet. Sometimes a feel down about the pressure on young people to succeed. Lord, in this confusing world Help me to look to you And stay hopeful and happy. Amen.

May my son walk before You, God, as King David walked, with integrity of heart and uprightness, doing according to all that You have commanded him and keeping Your statutes and rules (1 Kings 9:4).

May my son be strong and courageous and not fear or be in dread, for it is You, Lord, our God, who goes with him. You will never leave him or forsake him (Deuteronomy 31:6).

Lord, thank you for all the blessings you have bestowed on me. Most of all, thank you for this wonderful child that has taught me more about you than anything else you have done in my life. I have seen them grow in you since the day you blessed my life with them. I have seen you in their eyes, in their actions, and in the words that they say. I now understand better your love for each of us, that unconditional love that leads you to great joy when we honor you and great heartbreak when we disappoint. I now get the true sacrifice of your Son dying on a cross for our sins.

So today, Lord, I lift us my own child to you for your blessings and guidance. You know that teenagers are not always easy. There are times when they are challenging me to be the adult they think they are, but I know it's not time yet. There are other times when I struggle to give them the freedom to live and grow and learn because all I remember is that it was just yesterday when I was putting band-aids on scrapes and a hug and kiss was enough to make the nightmares go away.

Lord, there are so many ways of the world that terrify me as they enter it more and more on their own. There are the obvious evils done by other people. The threat of physical harm by those we see on the news every night. I ask that you protect them from that, but I also ask that you protect them from the emotional harm that comes in these years of great emotions. I know that there are dating and friendship relationships that will come and go, and I ask that you guard their heart against things that will make them bitter. I ask that you help them make good decisions and that they remember the things I tried to teach them every day about how to honor you.

I also ask, Lord, that you guide their footsteps as they walk on their own. I ask that they have your strength as peers try to lead them down paths of destruction. I ask that they have your voice both in their heads and your voice as they speak so that they honor you in all that they do and say. I ask that they feel the strength of their faith as others try to tell them that you are not real or you are not worth following. Lord, please let them see you as the most important thing in their life, and that no matter the hardships, their faith will be solid.

And Lord, I ask for the patience to be a good example to my child during a time when they will test every part of me. Lord, help me not lose my temper, give me the strength to both stand firm when I need to and let go when the time is right. Guide my words and actions so that I am leading my child in your ways. Let me offer the right advice and set the right rules for my child to help them be the person of God you desire.

In your holy name, Amen.

I pray for you son my sister/brother.
May the lord hear your plea of help and may St. Jude the patron of the lord advocate your sons cry for help.
I have a teenage daughter too. I pray for strength for you as parent to be there for him hen he need you the most as the lord will use us as vessels to deliver his love.
Don't be discourage and do not lose hope.
In the name of the God, holy spirit and St. Jude the patron of the Lord Jesus.

Dear lord, I pray that you please cleanse my teenage son's mind and soul and help him to think clear again, and to feel life again. Please help him to feel happy again and not have an empty soul. Please remove distorted delusions. Please let him know how much you love him and please keep him away from evil spirits.

Please give him the strength and will to live and know his worth. Please guide him to complete the mission that you have for him here on earth. Please let him know that he is loved and that he can trust in you always. Amen.