Prayer For Stability

Great God, I bow down at Your cross, asking for a financial blessing in my life. I am nothing without You, but with You, anything is possible. I believe that You are filled with abundance and that You will never forsake me. I pray that You provide me with what I need so that I may be able to fulfill my earthly duties and not struggle with money anymore. Amen.

Awesome God, You said that those who seek You shall lack no good thing. I know that the financial instability I am currently facing is just temporary, and that Your providence is eternal. Fortify my reliance on You and Your words so that I may no longer be anxious and afraid. Guide me to seek Your presence even more in these times of despair. Amen.

God of heaven, I believe that You are in control no matter what point of my life I am in. I surrender to You all my worries and fears about finances. May You replace my worries with faith. I am asking for financial stability so that I can stop worrying about money and focus on other things in my life. Take over my whole being so that I become a person who is not troubled by money. Amen.

Almighty God, today, I feel that my world is crashing down, and I feel like everything is going wrong. I thought I planned my life well, and I now know that I was wrong. I forgot that You own the master plan of my life, and I am merely Your creation. Be my stronghold, so I can have the courage to face my financial struggles now. Give me the strength to be able to stand up and fix the problems I am facing. I trust that You will provide, for You have a bigger plan for me that goes beyond my understanding. Amen.

Holy One, I pray for the financial difficulties I am currently experiencing. You are my only source of hope and strength, and I am now holding stronger onto You. I do not know how to get out of this situation alone, but with You, I know everything and anything is possible. Guide my decisions so I can better myself and my current status. Please grant me the proper mindset so I can find a financial breakthrough as soon as possible. Amen.

Sovereign Lord, I am now troubled with all my problems due to my financial instability. All I see now is darkness and endless roads. Please be my light and serve as my guide as I stumble in this path. Though I am struggling, I know that Your light will shine upon my life and eventually bless me with the financial assistance I need. I am looking forward to that day where I don't need to worry about money, knowing that You, my provider, are by my side every day of my life. Amen.

God most high, I am here in front of You, asking for your gracious blessing. Keep my faith in Your providence, knowing that You will never forsake nor abandon me. I am not asking for a luxurious life. Instead, I'm just praying to have enough to live on in my everyday life. Your word says that I should not worry, so I am holding onto my faith and to Your promises that Your abundance would be showered upon me all my life. You know what I need, and I trust that I will receive it. Amen.

Dear Heavenly Father,

We thank You for not changing. We thank You for giving us the stability of being able to know You and rest in You as our source of strength, peace, and stability.

We ask, Father, that You would grant us the ability to trust completely in who You are. Regardless of the cost, fill us completely and totally with You. May we hold nothing in reserve.

Help us to find peace and serenity in the chaos, change and turmoil around us. Lord, if we have contributed to or caused this turmoil in any way, we ask You to forgive us. Help us to make it right.

We forgive those who have hurt us, and ask that they be able to forgive us for any and all perceived wrongs.

Dear Father, we thank You and praise You for loving us more than we can comprehend.

We pray all these things in Your precious holy name.