Prayer For Stability In Life

Lord, please put Your peace in my heart.
I'm worried and anxious.
My mind races and obsesses.
I can't help thinking about my problems.
And the more I think about them,
the more depressed I become.
I feel like I'm sinking down in quicksand
and can't get out.
Calm me, Lord.
Slow me down, put Your peace in my heart.

No matter what problem I have, Lord,
You are bigger,
You are more powerful than it is.
So I bring my problem to You.
I know what I want.
I know my will.
I do not know Yours.
I do not know how You will use this problem for my salvation.
I do not know what good You will workout from this evil.
But I trust You.
I trust Your goodness and Your wisdom.
So I place myself in Your hands.
Please fill my heart with peace.

Heavenly Father, in Jesus' name, please fill me with Your Holy Spirit. And Father, I ask that the Holy Spirit would bear His fruit powerfully and clearly in my life today.

Father, may the Holy Spirit fill me with Your love, joy, peace, big fierceness, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Change me and make me like You in every way, and let other people see Your fruit displayed in my life. Thank You, Father. In Jesus' name. Amen!

Father God, I come before You in Jesus' name. Lord, I don't know why I'm going through what I'm going through, but I ask right now that You would talk to me about it.

Father, please show me what You're doing in my heart during this time. Show me what You want me to learn. Show me Your promise of where You're taking me when You bring me out the other side of this thing.

And Father, help me to believe it, cling to Your promise, and live by Your Word. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Heavenly Father, I've been carrying all these worries around and I can't do it anymore. I can't handle it, and I know You never meant for me to carry this stuff anyway.

So Father, in Jesus' name, please help me to be anxious for nothing; but in everything, with prayer and supplication, and with plenty of thanksgiving, please help me to make my requests known to You. And Father, let Your peace, which passes all understanding, guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus.

Thank You, Father. Thank You. I give you all my burdens right now, and I receive Your rest. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Heavenly Father, in Jesus' name, please help me to dwell in Your secret place today. Help me to remain stable and fixed under Your shadow. Keep my emotions on an even keel today. Help me to just focus on You so that You can make me perfectly stable in every way. Thank You, Father. In Jesus' name, amen.

Dear Lord

I come to you tonight with a heavy heart. You have felt my pain and suffering and only you know the hardships and pain that i feel. I ask you Lord to take control and be the compass of my life. I ask that you walk with me and become a major part of me as i walk through this journey called life.

I ask that you always be by my side as you have always been, for i know without you, i wouldn't be here right now. It is by your love and promise of salvation i am able to face every day as it comes father, i will never falter in my trust for you. I may stray but you always bring me back and i am forever thankful for your forgiveness. I ask that you fully enter me and take control.

Father please shower me with your blessings so that i may be a living example of your love and grace. Make me a tool of your gospel so that others may see what a wonderful God you are. Bless those who have lost their way and lead them onto the path you have set for your children. We are human and we sin and i thank you Lord that you sent your son to die for our sins so that we may be forgiven, such a deep love.

I pray for whoever this prayer touches father that you change their lives and bless them with all their hearts desires.

Thank you wonderful father
In Jesus Christs mighty name

Lord, I ask that you help guide us to the path we should be on. Help take away the burden of worry about money and taking care of our family. Show us the light of your love that will lead us away from the darkness and stress we feel.

Bless my husband as he works hard to support us, but is feeling like a failure because we are still struggling. Thank you for the many blessings we have and help us not to lose sight of what is important as we struggle to make ends meet.

In Your name I pray.

Dear Heavenly Father,

We thank You for not changing. We thank You for giving us the stability of being able to know You and rest in You as our source of strength, peace, and stability.

We ask, Father, that You would grant us the ability to trust completely in who You are. Regardless of the cost, fill us completely and totally with You. May we hold nothing in reserve.

Help us to find peace and serenity in the chaos, change and turmoil around us. Lord, if we have contributed to or caused this turmoil in any way, we ask You to forgive us. Help us to make it right.

We forgive those who have hurt us, and ask that they be able to forgive us for any and all perceived wrongs.

Dear Father, we thank You and praise You for loving us more than we can comprehend.

We pray all these things in Your precious holy name.