Prayer For Spouse Forgiveness

Dear Lord,

Thank You for Your grace. Thank You for forgiving me when I don't deserve it. I pray that in my marriage I can forgive my husband just as You forgive me. Help me to extend grace to him. I pray for other couples as well, couples who are holding onto bitterness and resentment and hurt. Please help them to forgive each other and reconcile their relationship. May Your will be done in us and may the testimony of Your redeeming love reflect in our marriages in Jesus' name AMEN!


I ask that you would help find forgiveness for my husband for the lies that I told him. I did not mean to hurt his heart and I ask for your forgivness. I ask you Lord that you would turn my husband back toward me, that he would see his commitment and vows that we stood before you and took with our whole hearts. He is a good man and I ask that you would touch his heart so that he can again see the good in me, as we once were and help him to understand that I was scared when I lied because I was afraid of losing him. I pray you would touch him in such a way that he his anger would banish and the love would once again surface, not only for me but for the children. I have asked for your forgivenss of my sins and I pray Lord, that he would realize that forgiveness is the answer.

I pray that he could once again see the wonderful, beautiful unity that you brought together and how much I love him. Please bless us so that he does not leave our family. Bring forgiveness and your Holy Spirit to him as only you can. I know it's in your time God, but I don't have much time before he leaves, so I pray to you that you would reach out and touch is heart today.

I trust in you and I believe in you and I love you. Amen

Father in heaven,

You have reconciled me to Yourself through Your Son's precious blood and so I am begging You to help me be reconciled to my beloved spouse. Only You can change the human heart (Prov 21:1) so I ask You to change my heart to be one that seeks to humble myself and seek reconciliation in my relationship with my mate. Too often I speak without thinking and I know my words hurt my spouse but this is no excuse for the things that I speak to them. I ask for Your Spirit to be sent to help us be reconciled with one another as Your Son's precious blood was shed for our being reconciled to You (2 Cor 5:18; Col 1:20). This I pray for Your Son's most holy name and for His glory, Amen.

Righteous Father,

I know that You seek to have us always be in a right relationship with You and sometimes I do things that grieve You. I know that I do and say things that grieve my spouse too so I am asking You to give me the right words to say to be reconciled to my spouse. I know I have made many mistakes and have asked for forgiveness from them but it seems that it hasn't restored our marriage to where we're both in a right relationship with one another and I know You desire us to be in one. I need Your help. Please send me Your Spirit to show me what I might have done wrong that I was not even aware of and soften my spouse's heart to accept my faults and extend forgiveness to me so that we can worship You together in the way that is pleasing to You and in the way You intended a husband and a wife to be joined together in offering You thanksgiving, praise, and honor. I know that in my own inadequacies I cannot fully understand how to always say the right words or do the right things but it is my desire to be reconciled with my beloved mate and it is in the strong name of and for the glory of the name above all names, Jesus Christ my Lord, Amen.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for the spouse you have given me and all their wonderful qualities. Help me look for the good in my spouse every day and overlook any perceived flaws. Help us stay committed to one another and keep us both from temptation. Guide our future to glorify You and keep us healthy so we can work for your Kingdom. When we disagree, help us to approach one another with humility and respect. Deepen our communication and friendship so our relationship is stronger than ever. Help us guide our children and our entire family closer to You each day. May we put You first, and in turn see our love grow.

Dear Heavenly Father,

We pray for a deeper understanding of each other. We've been together for a while, but we're two different people who do things in two different ways. And so we ask that You'd give us the strength to be flexible when we need to be, and give us the patience to handle our emotions wisely.

Help us to be good listeners who are sensitive to the needs of each other.

May our differences sharpen each other to grow stronger in faith, and challenge each other to consider new things.

Bind us together in unity, and use our differences to strengthen that bond.

In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.