Prayer For Someone Who Has Passed Away

O Father, in this time of sorrow, I don't have anyone but you. Lord, I feel bitter and wounded in my soul because of this death. Father, I feel robbed of this precious life. Yet, God, I know that you have sent your angels to come and guide my beloved into paradise. Help me to come to terms with what happened. Give me the strength to celebrate a life well-lived. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Jesus, my Savior, times and seasons are in your able hand. You know when we will be born and when we will leave this earth and come back home. You knew that our loved one would not be with us today. We want to praise you for the time we had with them. As we go through this mourning season, Lord, we pray that you give us a deep sense of peace. We know that no one can ever take the place of our loved one, that is why we are asking you to fill the gap that our loved one has left in our lives with your love. May we find comfort in you alone. In Jesus' holy name. Amen.

Father, we bring before You those that have had the devastating experience of having someone close to them that they know and love, suffer a sudden, violent and needless death. Lord how we grieve for those that are having to experience this right now, and we pray that in Your grace You would look down with pity and mercy and meet them right at their point of need.

Lord, You are the one Who was sent to heal the broken-hearted and comfort those that mourn and are heavy-laden. You are the One Who promised that Your grace is sufficient for every eventuality even for those having to face the sudden and violent death of someone close to them. Draw near to them we pray and lift them up into You arms of love and carry them during this time of suffering and grief for You have promised that underneath are Your everlasting arms.

Lord, as we lift up in prayer those that are having to come to terms with the sudden and violent death of a loved one we pray that You would use this tragedy to be the thing that starts to draw each suffering soul into the tender arms of their Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ, in Whose name we pray,


Father of Enduring Faithfulness, as a believer in Christ, to be away from the body is to be with you. I know that my loved one is with you right now in heaven, enjoying your closeness. Lord though it is difficult to accept that they are gone, I know that you love them so much and that is why you took them. Jesus may they bask in your glory as we all wait for you to come back and take us all into your presence where there is no mourning and sorrow. I pray this, trusting and believing. Amen.

Lord, my Creator and Sustainer, why did it have to happen like this? Why did it have to be our beloved one? I am so empty on the inside, Lord. I don't know how to face each day, dear God. Please, Father, remove this hurt that is growing in my heart. Replace it with your unconditional love. Help my family and me to understand that it is because of the deep love you have for our beloved that you have ushered them into your presence. It is in Jesus' name, I believe and pray. Amen.

God of Heaven's Armies, we are in shock and pain. We do not know how we will pull through this Lord. Our loved one has left us in the most unexpected way Lord. While we know that we are only here for a season, Lord, it is hard to come to terms with what has happened. Lord, we need divine strength in this family. Fill our hearts with courage and help us to accept that our dear one is now with you. Let this knowledge of them joining you in paradise be our source of comfort and strength. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Heavenly Father, I come to you with a grateful heart even as I mourn the loss of my loved one. It may be a loss for us, but it is gain for your kingdom. Lord, I thank you for the times that you gave us to spend with our relatives. Thank you for making them belong to this family. I bless you for honoring us with such an influential person that loved us with the love of Christ and was light in the world. May your name be praised forever even as our loved one stands in your presence today. In Jesus' name, we believe and pray. Amen.