Prayer For Someone Who Is Angry

God, hear me and answer me. You know I am troubled by thoughts and feelings of anger, resentment and bitterness. You also know why. And You know how deep the hurt goes and how long I have lived with it. But I don't want to live with it any longer. I don't want to be an angry, resentful and bitter person. With Your help, I release my anger into Your hands. I surrender my resentment. I let go of my bitterness. Help me to keep letting go and release these toxic emotions as often as they try to return.


I repent from this propensity to anger and the pride associated with it, for it is most certainly rooted in the sin of pride. I take hold of your forgiveness most gratefully. And I set my heart to become a person so close to you, that when temptation comes and anger knocks, I will step away, breathe, and submit to your Lordship, giving you my deepest soul and receiving your peace in place of my angst. Thank You, Lord, that I can do all things through Christ and the anointing He gives me to follow His instructions and live a life that reflects Your grace and peace. Please heal every person whom my anger has troubled and hurt. Help me to do my part to work with you toward healing and restoration.

In the Name of the Prince of Peace, Amen.

Father God, please bring my daughter back to me. Please let our relationship be healed and whole again. Please end this broken relationship and let a new beginning start so that there is peace and love between us. Please take away the hurt from us both and let my daughter want me as her mother again. Please bring her back and let my family be restored stronger and whole again . Let our broken hearts be healed and take away her anger for me and the troubles in her mind.

Thank you Heavily Father, Amen.

Dear Jesus,

Please ease my anger, pain and heart ache, and let me feel love and happiness.

Please lead me to a place where I can forgive. Please alleviate my suffering and mental illness and grant me peace of mind.

With love and faith, Amen!

Sovereign Lord, bring peace to my mind and my heart as I feel angry at the situation I am in. May I take hold of your promise that you will never leave me nor forsake me. In whatever circumstances I face that produce anger in my heart, remind me that you have not left my side and you never will. When you are with me I can trust you to fight my battles, I do not need to allow anger to take control. Give me your peace Father, may it rule over my life. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Everlasting God, your peace surpasses all my understanding. When anger rises within me, please calm my mind and soothe my heart with your gentle words. Fill my whole life with your perfect peace. May my personality be shaped by your peace rather than my frustration. With your Holy Spirit in my life, I can overcome anger. May I reflect your character, being slow to anger and rich in steadfast love. Look upon me and cause your face to shine upon me. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Loving Lord, I place that anger and bitterness that I too often harbour in my heart at Your feet and pray that in Your grace, You will expose all that is causing the bitter poison that is lodged within my heart to surface so often, and set me free from it, I pray.

Lord, I confess all my anger and bitterness, and know that when I allow this to surface in my heart it breaks the fellowship we have together. I know that when I confess my anger, You are faithful and just to forgive the outbursts of anger in my heart and to cleanse me of all unrighteousness, for which I praise Your name. But Lord, I desire that I am set free from this pollution within my heart, so that the root of anger shrivels within. I ask You to examine me and root out all that is not pleasing in Your sight

Thank You, in Jesus' name,


Loving Father and heavenly Lord, I know that prayer is simply the breath of helplessness being nourished on the bosom of the Father. And so Lord, I come to You lifting up the many men and women that have such a struggle with the bitterness and anger that lurks deep within their soul, and who are helpless to deal with this disease without You Lord.

Father, You alone are the one that can address their need and sever the root of their anger, for it is only as one abides in Christ that the fruit of His Holy Spirit can grow and displace the ugliness of anger and bitterness within.

Bring those that do not know the Lord Jesus as Saviour into a saving faith in Him, so that they can know that their sins are forgiven forever and that You paid the price of all. And for those that know You as Saviour, I pray that they come to understand that it is only as we yield to Your Spirit and admit our inabilities to deal with the fruit of evil in our heart, that You will guide us into the paths of righteousness, unforgiveness and love.
