Prayer For Someone Undergoing Surgery

Heavenly Father,

You remain constant, in a world of such bewildering hatred and confusing suffering. You are a rock on which we stand, your word is a fortress for our souls and your promises are a lamp to guide our feet.

We call and you are there, omnipresent and Almighty, Father hearted and merciful. So we call upon you today as our friend has this surgery. Protect and keep him (her) within your heavenly arms. Watch over every detail of the surgeons work, and bring them safely through this time into your streams of recovery and restoration.


God Father,

You are my refuge, my only refuge.

I ask you, Lord,

make everything go well in the surgery

and grant healing and help.

Guide the surgeon's hands to be successful.

Thank you, Lord,

Because I know that doctors are your instruments and helpers.

Nothing can happen to me (or happen to the operated person)

except what is decided by you, O Father.

Take me (or take him) in your arms now,

over the next few hours and the days to come.

That I may rest entirely in the Lord,

even when unconscious.

As I give you all my being (the whole nature of ) in this operation, allow my life (his entire life) to be in your light.


Stay with me, Lord,

You know me, and You know my fears You see my unrest, my hidden tear.

Stay with me, Lord,

if the strange darkness on a clear day will revolve around me

if I cannot think prayer cannot say anything

when there is no consciousness in me.

Stay very ahead of the Lord,

operate them with all their shiny and sharp things

and all their knowledge will surround You govern your own hands, assist them.

Help me, faithful Father, oh, make it right.

Stay with me too if I may ask again for Stay with me Lord,

want to calm me down now. Stay with Lord, give me a little courage.

King of Kings, Lord of Lords, thank you that you are my shield and my strength. Protect me from harm during my upcoming surgery. You have promised that you will make all things work together for my good. Please guide the hands of the surgeon so that the operation is effective. Let my mind truly know that you are in control of my future and you love me. You are the God of hope. Fill me with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit I may abound in hope. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

By the power of every moment of your goodness, may all dangers be averted and all disease be gone. May no obstacle come across your way. May you enjoy fulfillment and a long life.

Adonai, You are with me in my moments of strength and of weakness. You know the trembling of my heart as the turning point draws near. Grant wisdom and skill to the mind and hands of those who will operate on me, and those who assist them


You have soothed us, saying "do not worry about tomorrow".
Thank you that you pour out your spirit upon us a new each day.
Thank you that your grace is sufficient for us within each moment that we live.

So I pray for my loved one that they would know your peace in their hearts.
A peace that surpasses all understanding.
A peace that guards their hearts and minds.
A peace that they receive from Christ himself.

Lord, as they undergo this surgery, come and be present, watching, waiting, moving to help and guard every moment during this procedure. May they be held in your loving arms and protected from all harm.

In Jesus name,


Lord, thank you for the life of [Person's name] who is undergoing surgery. Work your healing power through the surgeon's hands.

The surgeon may operate, but you are the one who heals. May the surgery be a success and may the glory be yours forever.

Surgery is a delicate operation and I ask that you guide the surgeon's hands through every body part they will operate.

Grant your wisdom to the surgeon and team as they operate on [Person's name] and restore the damage in their body.

As they do their best in the operating room, I ask that you will go beyond what they can't do and heal the patient's body.

Provide everything the doctors will need for the surgery and help the surgeon know how to handle any emergency situation.

If they require additional help in the operating room, please provide it in advance.

I declare your healing word over [Person's name] because your word has the power to heal any disease (Psalm 107:20).

By the stripes of Christ, they were healed and I claim that healing now for every part of their body.

The surgery will be a success and we praise you as the God who heals.

In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.