Prayer For Someone To Fall In Love With You

Abba Father, Before a word is on my lips you know each thought, each tear, each joy you see. For I'm your cherished child. I find it hard to comprehend the extent of your love. And I know I rarely see myself the way that you see me. Lord, you know my heart, you know I long for love. My search is for that special friend. For intimacy, for friendship. For someone to depend on. I know you watch me proudly As I live each day, each moment. Please cause my path to cross with someone You'd like me to be with. Guide my heart to take your hand, To hope and trust in you. Help me to be patient, Until I meet somebody who you know will be A perfect match for me. I am sure, you want the best for this your child.

Dear Lord, I ask that you would walk closely with me each day. You know the desire of my heart to meet someone special, To marry and devote my love to another. So I ask that you would lead my footsteps. Take my hand and lead me as I look for love. May I find a partner with whom I can share the rest of my life. Help me to live life to the full with hope in my heart for the future. Amen.

Dear Lord,

For three years I took very good care of myself and my heart. I didn't allow anyone in for I know deep within that I still need healing. In those three years that I was alone, I never felt lonely because You were with me all along. And I thank You for Your love which strengthened and inspired me to go on, move on and forward.

Loving Father, it was You who filled the emptiness in me. It was You who healed my brokenness. It was You who made me feel that I am loved no matter who and what I am. And it is because of Your love that I had grown into the person that I am now - more mature, more understanding, more patient, more caring, more loving, simply better than before. It is You who taught me how to truly love. Your love is my example. Your love is my guide.

The previous months and weeks have been challenging for me and I know You know very well my struggles. You know my thoughts, my fears, my hurts, all that I feel and all that I am. For in those struggles, and during the most difficult times in my life, You were there. It wasn't just my battle. It was our fight. And like in any other battle, we emerged victorious. For You are with me.

God of love, now that I am in another phase of my journey towards You, I ask more of Your guidance and help, most especially with regards to the matters of the heart.

Dearest Father, please don't let me fall for someone I cannot spend the rest of my life with. I can no longer afford another heartbreak. I want it right this time. Please Lord, if he is not yet the one, don't allow me to fall completely for him. You have been protecting my heart very well in the last three years. Please continue to protect and keep it safe and locked until the right man, the one You have prepared for me, comes. Remind me Oh Lord that love is not based on feelings and that I have to be very careful for my heart can be deceived anytime. Let not his sweet gestures nor the loving way he treats me be my only basis for giving my heart away. Give us time Father to get to know each other more and while learning about one another, allow us also to know You more. Reveal Your plans for us and make us see things in Your perspective.

Should we realize that truly we are the right persons for each other, please continue to be with us. But if we don't end up together, I am still very thankful, and will always be thankful that You have given us the opportunity to meet. I know Lord God that You have the perfect plan for us and that every person, every situation, is a gift and an instrument that You will use to mold us into the persons that You want us to be. His presence, more than anything else, made me realize my worth as a woman. All the pain and the feeling of worthlessness which the two wrong men left me with, are gone because of his appreciation. He makes me smile even during the toughest hour of each day. Most of all, I can see and feel You in him. But please let not these things overwhelm me. Lord, please allow me to see beyond these beautiful, wonderful things. Let my judgment be clear and aligned to Your will. I want it to be right this time. I am not in a hurry, Lord. I am willing to wait. And I'd rather wait for the right one, than end up with another wrong man. Twice is more than enough Lord. My third will be my last. But above all, Your will, not mine, be done.

Loving God, You are the God of Love. To You I entrust my love story. I know it will have a happy ending. This I pray, and I claim, in the sweetest name of Your Son, Jesus, and through the intercession of Mary, AMEN.

Nothing is more practical than
finding God, than
falling in Love
in a quite absolute, final way.
What you are in love with,
what seizes your imagination, will affect everything.
It will decide
what will get you out of bed in the morning,
what you do with your evenings,
how you spend your weekends,
what you read, whom you know,
what breaks your heart,
and what amazes you with joy and gratitude.
Fall in Love, stay in love,
and it will decide everything.
From Finding God in All Things

Love is the emotion that drives me here Lord. I love him/her enough to pray on his/her behalf and You love me enough to make level all my worries. Father, I need You to take good care of Name. He/she, despite the act, is always in need of Your favour and I pray that You show him/her more than enough. He/she shall be protected, raised heads about others, and miracles will be performed in his or her life. Praises be sung about Your everlasting mercy, and In Jesus Name, Amen.

Oh mighty god please help me I'm obsessively in love with this man and I wish he felt the same way for me. I wish he would love me. Please bring him back to me and get him to talk to me again. I really miss him and I'm sad and depressed without him, sometimes I cry thinking about him. Please lord get me and Nery back together, and please get him to love me and think about me the way I think about him and love him. Please hear my preyer.

Theres never a second that I dont think about him. Nery Velasquez is always on my mind. Please mighty god put Nery Velasquez in my path and bring him back to me please make him love me. I wish he would talk to me and love me. Please do a miracle and Get Nery Velasquez to come to me and love me. I really want Nery to be my boyfriend. Lord get Nery to talk to me. please get him to be my boyfriend please lord. Amen!

Lord, protect my heart from been destroyed by the pain of not been noticed by him. I am going through emotional pains because I want to be with him all my life. I beseech that you should put my love in his heart once again.

Lord, I love this man with all my heart and wish he should love me back so that we can become a great spouse tomorrow. Lord, let him begin to consider me before every other lady and divert his attention to notice me.