Prayer For Someone To Leave You Alone

Any man or woman, who wouldn't let me prosper, Oh Lord, declare his/her obituary, in the name of Jesus.

Every stranger, in my body, ministry, life and calling, jump out, in Jesus' name.

O God, my Strength, when I am weak, You are strong. The book of Proverbs says that a friend loves at all times and a brother is born for adversity. I acknowledge that I need help and that enemies are attacking me. I know You have placed Your people around me and You work through them. Send trustworthy people to defend me in this time. I know I need to be humble and ask for help I confess I have been trying to fight this on my own. Change my perspective away from false prideful independence to godly dependence on You. Amen.

God of Heaven's Armies, You are my strength and my refuge. When I am attacked by enemies, I need to courageously stand in righteous rebuke against those who would attack me. You have not given me a spirit of fear and timidity but of power and a sound mind. Lord, empower me to stand up for myself and others. Let me imitate the courage Joshua had as he led the Israelites to the promised land. But even more, let me ground myself in my worth in You. In the powerful name of Jesus. Amen.