Prayer For Someone To Love You

Blessed Lord, You know that I have a special interest in someone who loves You deeply and has good character. So far, this person has a fondness for me as a friend, but, if You are willing, Father, please open this person's eyes to see me as more. May this person in whom I'm interested be attracted to me in a romantic way, and may we develop a relationship that honors You. Amen.

Loving Father, before I become romantically involved with another person, help me to become emotionally healthy, grounded, and authentic. Help me grow and develop so that I can give and receive love without issues getting in the way. May Your Holy Spirit guide me in dealing with insecurities, learning appropriate conflict resolution, and learning healthy communication in a love relationship. Amen.

O God, my Provider, I pray that You will guide me into an enduring, passionate, healthy, and committed life-long relationship. Protect me from relationships that will bring harm or heartbreak. Help me to not be so giddy with excitement when I meet someone new that I overlook important details about that person which need to be brought to light Lead me to that special person who is the one You know is best for me. Amen.