Prayer For Someone To Come Back To You

Today I pray for the most precious person for me. My the most cherished dream is to hug you again. How can I live without my love? Dear Lord, please accept this prayer, and let my love come back.

O Lord, my faith is strong, and I know that you can help in any situation. Now I feel terrible because my loved one is gone. I pray to you with a request to return her/him. I promise not to make mistakes anymore.

"Oh, Holy Father. I ask for your guidance and help in my relationship that has just ended unexpectedly. He was the love of my life my best friend and for some reason things started to fall apart. We ended our relationship on bad terms and he will not speak with me.

I pray to you to let his heart and mind forgive me for what I did to him, even though what he did to me was much more worse. Give him the strength to see the wrongs he did to me and to finally have the will to tell me he's sorry as I had told him I was sorry. I want our happy relationship that we once had back it was fun and loving. Oh, Holy Father strengthen our relationship so that we may at least be friends again, even though my heart still aches for him and his smile.

I want to know if he was also telling me the truth about not cheating on me ever when we were together, and I pray that it was the truth and that he truly did love me. Please Dear Lord, fill both our hearts with love, patience, joy, and happiness for one another. Help us find our way back to each others arms.

Also help him heal his bitter heart towards me and find the love he once had for me come back. Fill his heart and mind with the good things we had together and less on the bad.

I pray for him to know how much I still love, care and miss him each and everyday since we've been apart, and how much it hurts me that I no longer have a best friend by my side.

I pray to you, Oh Holy Father, to forgive both our sins and to grant us the happiness we truly deserve. But to give us one more shot at love and to rekindle our love for one another once more. Amen.

My Heavenly Father all I need is to return her/him, and I pray for you to help me. I can be happy only with my love, and now she/he left. What can I do now to return her? I need your help and hope for your mercy.

Here is my prayer for lost love to come back. We were so happy together, and I don't know what happened. Why my love left me? O Lord only you can help me now. I'm so lonely without her/him and pray for your mercy to help me, and return my love.

Dear Lord, I have a very strong faith in you, and I believe that you can help me out of any situation. There is nothing too hard for you, My Lord. I am in distress because my dear one is gone, and I miss him/her every single day that we have been apart. How I pray, dear Lord that you may return him/her to me. Help us to rekindle the love that we shared with each other.

Dear Lord, I come to you to ask for your help in bringing back the man/woman that I love with all my heart. Several weeks or months have gone by, and the pain has not lessened. Help him/her to realize that I love him/her so much, and I am always here for him/her. Let him/her have a change of heart and come back to me.