Prayer For Someone Taking The Bar Exam

O wise God, I pray that my mind might be rested, my body energized, and my spirit inspired for the exam I must write.

Grant me peace and assurance so that I might do the best I am able, regardless of what that might be.

Be with my fellow students and may I be a good example to them, offering reassurance and confidence regardless of how I feel.

May I be honest and insightful, and able to give a true record of what I have learned. In the end, may any disappointment be born with grace, and any joy accompanied with humility.

I write this exam with Thee, O Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Grant me peace, O God, as I open my books and notes. Open my mind to Thy will, and may I dedicate these hours to Thy Son, Jesus Christ.

Offer me insight, O Lord, that I might understand these things, and see them as a part of Thy Kingdom.

May I offer Thee my best in reading and learning that it may be a part of my discipleship.

O Jesus Christ, may this be a worthy time that is faithful to Thee and bring me closer to the goals I have in order to serve Thee.

I offer this time and prayer in Thy holy Name. Amen.

Almighty God, thank you for everything and I beg You as I surrender this endeavor to you Oh God, but I also know that it would still be Your will be done, however, I am still trying to ask this favor of passing the bar exam from You. But for everything Oh God, I am grateful to You, whatever will be Your plan for me, I thank You because I know that in whatever I do, You are always there as promised. Amen.

O Great St. Joseph of Cupertino who while on earth did obtain from God the grace to be asked at your examination only the questions you knew, obtain for me a like favor in the examinations for which I am now preparing for. In return I promise to make you known and cause you to be invoked.
I ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Please God, please hear my prayers. I only have three things that I really pray for, one is for me to pass this bar examinations. You always answer my prayers most especially when i was in early years, all the awards i prayed for, You gave to me. God, it wasnt an easy road to finish this course, it was like passing through the needles eyes but You gave me patience and strength those times im about to give up. God, i know You will never have allowed me to dream this if this wasnt Your will for me. Failing it last year wouldnt falter my faith. I trust that You have the best reasons, the best plans always for me. I beg You God, have mercy. Please guide me these remaining days of my review till the last days of the exams and grant me wisdom, strength, focus, clarity of mind to study and understand all the things I need to pass the exams. I can not do it alone God. But with You, anything and everything is possible. I trust You. You said ask and i shall receive. I am asking now God, please grant my prayers. In Jesus mighty name, Amen.

?Dear God,?
Please grant me the serenity to accept the things I do not know; ?
Wisdom to answer the questions to the best I can; and Courage to execute and be disciplined through the conclusion.?
Marching one section at a time;?
Enjoying one second at a time;?
Accepting hardships as the pathway to success on the Bar;?
Taking, as He did, this sinful bar exam as it is, not as I would have it;?
Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will;?
That I may be reasonably happy in my choice of this professional career and supremely happy with Him.?
Forever in the next.?
I wish for a chance to use my knowledge, power, and talent to serve others.?
I pledge that I have done my best and I leave no regret behind.?
Please bless me and all those who deserve to pass the bar.?

Lord God, I pray for my sister that shes taking the bar exam this Oct. that you will guide her, enlightened her with the gift of knowledge & wisdom during her exam. And send the Holy Spirit upon her.

I pray also Lord God for the success of the 2014 Phil. Bar Exam and ask for guidance & protections to all the examinees & examiner as well.

Lord I know You have better plans for my sisters career. I pray that she will pass the bar exam so she can enjoy her chosen career and to have a good job that she can apply her profession. And also be a good lawyer.

Lord I know youre the source of everything and I thank you so much. And this we pray to our Almighty Father with the Intercession of Our Mother Mary. Amen.

God grant me the serenity to accept that I have prepared the best I can.

The courage to change from studying details to preparing my mind and body to breath, stay calm, and focus.

And the wisdom to know that exams not only test my knowledge but also my state of mind.

Taking each question one at a time.

Focusing on the moment, parking my worries and fears at the door, and visualizing success.

Accepting that the harder you want something, the greater you'll feel when you achieve it.

Taking the bar exam as it is, not how I or others would have written it.

Trusting in my skills and surrendering to an unshakeable belief in myself.

Supremely happy that I am about to transition from learning law to living justice.
