Prayer For Someone Special

Love is the emotion that drives me here Lord. I love him/her enough to pray on his/her behalf and You love me enough to make level all my worries. Father, I need You to take good care of Name. He/she, despite the act, is always in need of Your favour and I pray that You show him/her more than enough. He/she shall be protected, raised heads about others, and miracles will be performed in his or her life. Praises be sung about Your everlasting mercy, and In Jesus Name, Amen.


Thank you for your great love for us. You sent your only Son to live with us and show us how to love. He gave His life for us and resurrected on that third day so that we could also be with you in eternity!

Lord, to feel just an inch of the radiance of your love and the glow from your excellence will be more than we can imagine. Knowing your love for us is humbling too. We are imperfect humans moving around on this Earth day to day attempting to live lives that are worthy of the calling you have on us. We need your guidance and direction.Father, for the woman that needs to feel your love today, I pray that you give her eyes to see and ears to hear your love for her. You know her name, her past, her triumphs, and her wounds. Let her know it is never too late to call on you, ask for your forgiveness, give her life to your service, rebuke the sin that is entangling her, and live free as a Child of God. For those alone or feeling unloved, let their love for you be so fierce that it radiates back to them. Let them live each day forward knowing you love them more than they can imagine and that they are not alone.

Father, for the woman that finds it easier to love herself than others, give her eyes to see how special all of your children are. Give her opportunities to sit down with those that don't look or think like her so that she can learn what it really means to love her neighbor. Help her to be kind, encouraging, forgiving, loving to those that may never realize her impact, and move forward with the ability to treat others with love no matter what. Give her the grace and strength to move from day to day with an outpouring of love for her neighbor.

Father, for the woman that finds it easier to love others more than herself, give her the gift of self-love and forgiveness. Hold her and embrace her. Give her permission to take care of herself, to enjoy the things that make her heart sing, and give her the time it takes to do those things. You love her servant heart, Lord, please let her feel the peace that your love wants to give her in these busy days we all live in.

Thank you Father that no matter where our hearts are you are always reaching out to love us unconditionally! You are the ultimate example of love and we are so grateful for that!

In Jesus' Holy name we pray,

I thank God every day for the kind of husband He gave me. I also thank God for how he helps you every day.

My King, may God be always with you. May He make your next day even brighter than the previous one.

Dear God, please help me heal

From grief, loss and the pain of love in my past

And let me be whole and happy again

I have been needy and overly-anxious,

I have felt desperate and too willing to settle.

Calm the need in me that makes unwise choices.

Sooth the soreness in my soul that makes me crave love.

Restore my faith in love and divine timing.

Bring true love to me, in the right time, for the right reasons.

Please end to separating between me and my true love.

Let the healing process must begin inside my heart.


Dear Lord, I call upon you in this time of need, as both my rock and my guiding light. I thank you in advance for taking the time to hear me, knowing my prayer will be answered, in your time.

In Jesus name, I pray for someone I am very close to, that I am in love with. Right now I am very much uncertain about where his heart and soul is, and it scares me. He is not a bad person, nor is he a monster. But he is doing things, Lord, without realizing he is hurting people who care about him more than he'll ever know.

I ask that you lay hands on him, Lord, and speak to his heart. I ask that you help him to wake up and see the error of his ways, help him to be the person I know he can be. And if he truly loves me Dear Lord, I pray in Jesus' name, that he will straighten his wings and fly right.

He needs a lot of help in his life Lord, and I am counting on you in full faith to be there for him, and lift him up where he is down. I pray that you save his soul, and help him to be the person he is capable of being, Dear Lord.

Please lay your hands on him right now, and take him into your wings, Lord. Show him the way, so he may be saved. I thank you for your time. I pray this prayer in Jesus' name, Amen!

May God protect you all through the night, I commit your sleeping and waking into the hands of the mightiest God. May you wake up in the morning with a fresh breath. I love you.

Everything you want will come your way easily, I pray you will never grumble before you smile. May God make way for you My King. I pray for God miracle in your life my sweetest.