Prayer For Someone Sad

Peaceful, Loving Father, I humbly ask that you heal this ache in my heart, Oh Lord. Allow me to find that joy that I once knew. The sadness of my heart consumes me. But I will not give in, for I am stronger than the mind games the devil tries to play on me.

Dear Lord, I come to you today with a heavy heart. You know my heartache, my cares, my concerns and all that burdens me. I thank you that you are a loving, caring Father. Today I ask that you would give me the strength to relinquish control of my feelings and all my burdens. I now choose to give them over to you. You said in your Word that you know about every tiny detail of my life and all that concerns me. Help me to believe and trust that you are taking care of all my concerns.

Lord, help me to focus on what I do have and not what I don't have. Help me to believe that all things in my life are working together for good according to Romans 8:28. I now take authority over any demonic feelings of gloom, despair and depression. I command these to leave now in Jesus name. I rebuke feelings of loneliness, hopelessness and suicide. I speak peace over my mind, thoughts and body. You said in your Word Be still and Know that I am God. Help me be still by trusting in your love and power. Help me to rest in your goodness and faithfulness. Lord, I will now choose to smile. Not because I feel like it, but because I know that you are a good God, you are taking care of all my needs, you hold all things in your hand and somehow this is all going to work out.

In Jesus name I pray. amen

Dear God,

I'm in pieces, everywhere I look there is brokenness. Nothing seems to make sense, why is there such suffering in the world Lord? I feel at a loss, as I don't know how to manage these feelings. I am alone, I feel isolated, and wonder if anyone would want to be with me. Oh come to my aid Lord, lead me to something or someone who can help. Bless my efforts to seek you, and my attempts at reaching out to others. I lay these feelings of sadness and loneliness at the foot of the cross.
I choose to look to you, and trust that you can lead me out of this hard place.


Dear Lord,

I know you know sadness, and understand its toll,
The twist and burn of loss within, you met this on the cross.
I know you know hopelessness, you've tasted dead end life,
The bland and choking feeling of sentence on your life.
I know you know emptiness, the absence of all things,
The cavernous and empty place when no one sees your tears.
I know you know depression, the cramped and stifling place,
In which alive feels desolate, as thorns push in your face.
I know you know how it feels, because you chose to take all these things,
Upon yourself, upon a cross, when you died in my place.

You know, love does conquer.
You know, risen life.
You know, hope dispelling fear.
You know, kingdom heights.
You know, heavens victory.
You know, redemptions power.
You know, grace poured out for all.
You know, this day and hour.

So I know when I'm feeling trapped
And lose my very way,
That you Lord have overcome
All I face each day.

Father God, in Jesus' name, thank You for seeing my tears and hearing my cries. Lord Jesus, thank You that Your Word says I have hope in You. You are in me, and You are the hope of glory.

Father, I confess that I have struggled with doubt, unbelief, discouragement, and hopelessness. But these have been my feelings, Lord, and my feelings are not permanent but Your Word is.

So Father, I speak to my soul right now, and I say: Soul, line up with my spirit, which is filled with the Holy Spirit! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me; bless His holy name!


Please heal my friend, and bless him as he goes forward, I ask that you help heal me, and deliver me from this sadness I feel. Help me to do what you ask for as long as you ask.

Give me strength, to heal, make the wounds that I feel, clear me and give me strength. I want to be in your graces Lord.

I ask that you heal him too, and pour your Love on him Lord and heal him of his demons, the addiction, that causes me pain. and heal him, and heal me, make me strong and walk in your Light.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Lord Jesus, thank you that you are the Prince of Peace and you give peace to your people. I ask that you would remove my sadness and replace it with peace and joy. You suffered and died for me, proving your great love. You have paid the greatest price to meet my deepest need and so I can trust you with every other aspect of my life. You are my rock of hope, you were rejected and forsaken so that I will never be rejected or forsaken by you. I ask that I would always trust in you. In your mighty name, Amen.

Heavenly Father, thank you that you are the God of all comfort and joy. I pray that you would send your spirit to uplift my sad heart. Shine the warming rays of your light onto my heart that feels cold at this time. Your love can melt the sadness and transform me with joy. Your love is beyond my understanding. Your love can ease every fear. I pray that I would be filled with that love in every aspect of my heart, mind and spirit. There is nothing that can separate me from your love. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen