Prayer For Someone On Drugs

Dear God, please help (the person's name) to find his/her way out of the drug addiction.

Please fill him/her with courage to take his/her first step to recovery and a clean life.

Bring him/her hope that there is a better life.

Show him/her your healing love that radiates every creation of Yours.

Oh, Lord, please send your healing angels in (the person's name)'s life.

Let them show him/her the right path to follow.

Allow them to guide him/her though this difficult situation.

And help him/her recover physically and mentally.

Please, Lord, bring strength and patience to his loved ones.

Help them support him with love and hope.

Please God, recover (the person's name) fully.

Let him experience the beauty of a clean life.

Bring him mental strength to say No every time the evil cravings appear.

Dear Lord, show him/her that his/her faith in You will get him/her through this difficult period.

Shower him/her with your healing light and unconditional love.


Saint Maximilian Maria Kolbe, your life of love and labor for souls was sacrificed amid the horrors of a concentration camp and hastened to its end by an injection of a deadly drug.
Look with compassion upon ___________________ who is now entrapped in addiction to drugs and whom we now recommend to your powerful intercession.
Having offered your own life to preserve that of a family man, we turn to you with trust, confident that you will understand and help.
Obtain for us the grace never to withhold our love and understanding, nor to fail in persevering prayer that the enslaving bonds of addiction may be broken and that full health and freedom may be restored to him / her whom we love.
We will never cease to be grateful to God who has helped us and heard your prayer for us. Amen.

Heavenly Father I lift up (Name Here) to you and ask for mercy to give (his/her) life back and to show (Name Here) that through Your Mercy and Grace they can live a clean life again. Help (Name Here) hit rock bottom Lord so this vicious cycle of abuse will stop. Open (Name Here)'s heart to the truth and take away the confusion of this world and remove the influence of the Devil and his Demons that might have a stronghold in (Name Here)'s life. We acknowledge that some addictions are of Human nature, but with some God, we acknowledge that the enemy is trying to destroy a person or household.?

Lord, you as our creator, we trust in your name so we call for your help day and night. I have so many fears day and night, deep in my soul I cry every second of my life because of lost my son due to his extreme drug addiction for many years.I pity him a lot. If i could only embrace and tell him how much I really love and care for him as a mother,yet now he wouln't understand it.

Lord,you know how I feel every moment I think of my son.I didn't realise that the world can be so cruel to me as he choses drugs more than anything else in this world.I have always tried to mold him to become good boy yet things turned differently as I imagined.I hurts a lot to see my son being sick physically and mentally.

I will never stop begging for your help and for those parents who are suffering the same problem as I have.Abide us in those hard moments.Amen.

Loving Lord Jesus, we lift up all those who are suffering today from some form of addiction to drugs, whether they are prescribed medicines from a doctor, or unlicensed drugs that have been gained illicitly all addiction is detrimental to health and wholeness and Lord, we want to lift up all who are addicted in one way or another.

Lord, we believe that You were sent to heal those that are broken and damaged, crushed and hurting, in bondage to drugs or addicted to some form of medication, and we plead Your grace and mercy over such people and pray that You would meet each man or woman at their particular point of need, and deliver each one.

Raise up those that would stand in the gap in prayer, and bring friends and relatives who will be supportive to those that need to be liberated from their drug dependence or addiction. Into Your hands we commit each one, and thank and praise You for all that You are going to do in these lives. In Jesus' name we pray,


Dear Lord, You are a loving God and we praise and thank You for all Your goodness to us and to all men. We bless You for our lives and for all the joy and grace that You so readily bestow on all Your creation.

But Lord, we lift up an increasing number of men and women who suffer from drug addiction, and pray that You would provide them with the grace and strength to reach out to You for the necessary help and guidance that they may need, as they take the important steps to recovering their physical, emotional and spiritual health.

Give those that are addicted to drugs the will, perseverance, courage and ability to take the first step to regain their health and wholeness. Comfort and strengthen friends and family members that are affected by those that are trapped in drug addiction.

Give courage and hope to all who are seeking to break its demonic hold over the lives of so many, and may the power of Your love and grace transform their lives, knowing that Jesus Christ alone is able to break the power of drugs, return a soul into freedom and bring beauty for brokenness. This we ask in Jesus' name,
