Prayer For Someone Moving

As you fly from our lake shores

and say goodbye to old friends

may you enjoy as many smiles

as you created here.

May your new home

contain all the dreams you're chasing.

May your new home

come to realize what we know;

That you're great,

That you're hilarious,

That you're better than any one city.

Come back to us

when you're homesick

Come back to us

to brag and be a famous dick

Come back to us

Just to

Come back to us.

Your home, Your friends, Your theaters

will still be here.

Good luck, fare well

they're lucky to have you.

Holy Lord, Thank You for grace. Please help me move beyond the hurdles that trip me up and give me the strength and wisdom to look up and see the hope I run toward in Christ.

In Jesus' Name,

Lord, I come to you. Draw near to me. I need You now. Let my heart be changed and renewed, by the wonderful grace that I've found within You. Lord, You have revealed all my weaknesses that have be stripped away, by Your unfailing love.

Dear Heavenly Father, I ache inside and I don't know how to press on. I miss her and am not sure how I will make it to tomorrow without her. Help me to overcome this pain. Help me to move on and let go. I can't do this with You, Lord. Give me strength and faith that You have someone else for me. I will trust in You even in the midst of unbearable pain. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that You will help me to move on from this lost opportunity. Though it seemed perfect to me, You know better, Lord. Help me to trust Your goodness and grace and not mourn this loss. Lord, I believe that You have even bigger and better things for me in the future, things that will make me realize this was not the opportunity for me. I believe this in faith. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.

For us, Lord, as we move forward, I pray that we might find ourselves in a place where we commit ourselves to the extension of Your grace not only to each other but to those who walk through the doors. Let our new home be a place where the stranger is made into the friend, the lonely have a place at the table, and downtrodden find the joy of hope, and a family has the security of belonging. May this home, in so much as it can, serve as a reminder of our greater home.

At the same time, Lord, I pray you would guard us from being too comfortable. Keep it at the front of our minds, Lord, that we are not long for this earth and that our true citizenship lies elsewhere. I pray that even though the regular frustrations of home ownership that you would do something redemptive, bringing to our minds the fact that our true security, inheritance, and dwelling is not in a house that needs a plumber, an electrician, or some patches in the drywall, but one that will not decay for all eternity.

May it be so for your name, for you ultimately are in whom we find our resting place.


Guardian, guide, no pillar of cloud by day nor fire by night,
Yet I sense your presence with me, God of the journey.
You are walking with me into a new land.
You are guarding me in my vulnerable moment.
You are dwelling within me as I depart from here.
You are promising to be my peace as I face the struggles
of distance from friends and security,
the planting of feet and heart in a strange place.

Renew in me a deep trust in you. Calm my anxiousness.
As I reflect on my life I can clearly see
how you have been there in all of my comings.
You will always be with me in everything.
I do not know how I am being resettled,
but I place my life into the welcoming arms of your love.

Encircle my heart with your peace.
May your powerful presence run like a strong thread
through the fibers of my being. Amen.