Prayer For Someone Having An Operation

God of the Universe thank you that I am never alone, your presence calms the troubled sea of my life and speaks peace to my soul. You have said that I may ask you for anything in Jesus' name, and you will do it. Let me be filled with faith instead of fear as I trust you for a successful operation. Let the majesty of the Father be the light that guides me, the compassion of the Son be the love that inspires me and the presence of the Spirit be the strength that empowers me. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Merciful God, thank you that you make known your love and that your purposes will stand, your plans will not fail. You have promised that when I call on you in prayer, you will listen to me. Please hear my prayer to you for a successful surgery. Give me the strength to endure the recovery process that I may be restored to full health. May God the Father prepare my journey, Jesus the Son guide my footsteps, and the Holy Spirit watch over me. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Generous Father, thank you that you made all things, and in you, all things hold together. My body holds together because of your sovereign will. My surgery can be successful because you have blessed the medical professionals with the gifts to carry it out. You have said that you are good to all, you have compassion on all you have made. Give me assurance that I am safe under your compassionate care and that you will be with me as I recover. Now may you, the Lord of Peace, give me peace at all times and in every way. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Lord, my Rock and Redeemer, thank you that you have plans for me that are for my good and your glory. You have promised that you are able to bless me abundantly, so that in all things at all times, you will supply everything I need. Let me be held in your capable hands as I undergo surgery. You are the God of peace, the great shepherd of the sheep. May you equip me with everything good so that I may do your will. Work in me, that I may be pleasing in your sight. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Mighty God, thank you that you are my creator. You know me better than anyone else. You know exactly what is wrong with my body and the surgery that is needed to fix it. Please ensure the success of my surgery, Lord. You have said that you give strength to the weary and increase the power of the weak. Give me the strength to face my operation with courage and with a calm mind. May your peace, which surpasses all understanding, guard my heart and my mind. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Dearest God, I am deeply concerned now about my loved one who is on the operating table. As the surgeon performs the procedures on her, I cannot help but be worried. There are a lot of questions in my mind that come up about how she is doing. I know, God, that this surgery is out of my hands now, which is why I'm coming to You today.

I commit the life of my loved one to You, Father. You are the author of life, and You are the ultimate healer. Take good care of her, God, as she is going under the surgeon's knife. Take away whatever it is that is negatively affecting her body.

Be with the surgeon, too, Lord, as he performs this delicate operation. Enable him to do no harm to my loved one's body. Direct his hands during the entire course of the surgery. Allow him to locate the site of disease and remove it. As he cuts the flesh open and patches it back up afterwards, let his hands be gentle as a feather. Let no damage be done on my loved one's body.

I also ask, God, that through this surgery, You will show Yourself in a very personal way to my loved one. Let her experience Your love firsthand. Reveal to her Your purpose in allowing this circumstance in her life. May she know You more deeply through this situation, God. Let her experience Your peace that surpasses all understanding. I trust that You are watching over her through the entire operation. She needs You now more than ever, so I thank You for being there for her at this time. Hold her in Your loving arms, God. Be her comfort while she is on the operating table.

Continue to be with her, God, as she recovers after the surgery. Let her experience Your love even further through the blessing of having another chance at life. Enable her, Lord, to live her life for Your glory as well as to be a channel of blessing to the ones she loves. All these I pray in Your Name, Amen.

King of Kings, Lord of Lords, thank you that you are my shield and my strength. Protect me from harm during my upcoming surgery. You have promised that you will make all things work together for my good. Please guide the hands of the surgeon so that the operation is effective. Let my mind truly know that you are in control of my future and you love me. You are the God of hope. Fill me with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit I may abound in hope. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen

Heavenly Father, thank you that you are my ever-present help in times of trouble. Please bless me I as undergo surgery. Your word says that you will never leave me or forsake me, and that you are always with me. Let me feel your presence with me during the operation. Please help me to trust in you, that you never stop watching over me and you are always working for my good. Lord, bless me and keep me, make your face shine upon me. Turn your face towards me and give me peace. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.