Prayer For Someone Having Surgery

Heavenly Father,

My upcoming surgery is a step above minor but nothing to be too worried about. But I have anxiety because they have to make me sleep first with gas. This sounds crazy, but I'm afraid I won't wake up. I've heard stories about people not waking up. I don't know if these are really true, but I'm still scared. Father, help me to be calm and at peace through this. I pray that the anesthesiologist will be 100% accurate and give me only what I need to sleep. I'm nervous, Lord. Help me to be strong. I love You! Amen


The fire really did a number on me. I am scared for this surgery, Lord. Will the doctors be able to make me look like me again? I'm scared of the outcome, Lord, and that is why I need Your peace so badly right now. Help me through this and hold my hand. I need You, God. Thank You always for the many blessings You lavish on me. You are such a loving God! I love You! Amen

Loving Father, you have allowed me to see yet another generation in my granddaughter. Her life has been a great blessing to our family.

As she goes into surgery, keep her safe and reassure her of your presence always.

You O Lord know her from when she was in her mother's womb and declared she would live and be a blessing to all nations.

May she come out stronger after the operation and sing of your glory.

Thank you because you sent your word and healed her. I proclaim your word of healing over her and declare she will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

Send your Holy Spirit to renew her strength after the surgery. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the life of my grandson [Name]. He lights up the life of everyone in the family. Watch over him in the operating room and assure him of your constant presence.

Give him the courage he needs to face this surgery and know that he will come out whole and healed.

Let him remember that you are not the one who has brought this illness on his body for you are the God who heals him (Exodus 15:26).

I declare that your healing power is flowing through his body right now. He will live and be a blessing to his generation.

Help him recuperate and be up and running in no time. May he know you as the God who answers prayer.

In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Lord Jesus, guide the hands of ___________ s surgeon and all who will
assist in the surgery. Empower them to use their skills to restore
__________ to health and wholeness.
We ask you to remove any fear or anxiety from _______ and fill her/him
with peace. May her/his recovery be swift, her/his strength renewed and
her/his health restored.
We also ask that you bless ________'s family and friends. Be with them as
they wait for the surgery to be finished and give them peace. We place
_________ into your hands, Lord, for you are the Divine Physician.

Divine Companion, placing ________ in Your compassionate care, I beg
You to be with her/him during these next hours. Please deepen her/his
trust in You, so that s/he will not be fearful or worried as s/he undergoes
this procedure.
Calm her/his heart and mind, relax her/his body, and grant him/her the
assurance expressed in Psalm 4: As soon as I lie down, I peacefully go to
sleep; you alone, my strength, keep me perfectly safe. (v. 8)

Lord, you are a God who heals. You are a God who loves. You are a God who holds and carries your children through the hardest moments. I can't hold [name] right now, but you can. Your heart of love is tender towards those who are yours. Carry [name] today. Let him/her feel your presence with them. I ask that you would calm his/her heart and mind and allow [name] to rest in your faithful love. You promise that whatever comes our way, you are there guiding us and will never let us go. Never once have we walked alone, and [name] is not alone now. Please watch over [name] through this surgery.