Prayer For Someone Grieving

Jesus, my Savior, my friend. You are the resurrection and the life! You wept at the loss of Lazarus, yet You are capable of overcoming death and the sorrow of death. Help me as I feel despair, to find hope in You.

Mend the broken-hearted. Reward us with the consolation of Your presence and Your love. Set us free from this burden on our hearts, dear Lord. Help us to emerge whole and brand new as the circumstances strengthen us.

Even in the midst of my grief, I declare that all I pray for will come to pass, in Jesus mighty name, Amen!!

Lord, the years that my child was alive seem so short. I can't believe they are gone so soon.

Give me the grace to face each day and heal my grieving heart.

Help me to remember my precious child without sorrow in my heart knowing they are in a better place with you.

In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Lord, you gave my spouse and I the most amazing years together.

Now that they are no longer here, I am sad and filled with grief.

Comfort my heart and give me renewed strength for each day.

I will rest knowing that my loved one is with you in heaven.

In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Lord, at the moment nothing seems to be able to help the loss I feel. My heart is broken and my spirit mourns. All I know is that Your grace is sufficient. This day, this hour Moment by moment I choose to lean on You, For when I am at my weakest Your strength is strongest. I pour out my grief to You And praise You that on one glorious day When all suffering is extinguished and love has conquered We shall walk together again.

Abba Father, You hold time within your hands, and see it all, from beginning to end. Please keep and carry these precious people in their sadness and loss. Cover them with your great wings of love, give their weary hearts rest and their minds sound sleep. Lord, lift their eyes so that they may catch a glimpse of eternity, and be comforted by the promise of heaven. We ask all this in the precious name of Jesus. Amen.

Father God, I pray for this grieving one. I pray that you would comfort them with the comfort you give. I pray that you would send supportive people into their life, so they know that they don't have to carry this burden alone. But mostly, I pray that they sense your presence. Help them to meditate on what is true. Help them to know that you are God and you care deeply for them. So much, that you are saving each little tear they shed. I pray this in Jesus' precious and holy name. Amen.

O Lord, Mighty in Power, I intercede for our loved one who is grieving the loss of good health. Bring him freedom from pain, and come to him to comfort and sustain him on his sickbed. I pray that You will graciously restore him to full health, for Your Word says that the effective prayer of a righteous person will raise the sick person up. Be gracious to him and heal him. Protect and preserve him. Remind him that You are the strength of his heart and his portion forever. Amen.

God of Loving Devotion, I pray for my friends who are suffering isolation in their homes because of this public health crisis sweeping our nation. I pray especially for my elderly and single friends who have no one with them in their home and are grieving human touch and hugs. I pray that in Your great compassion You will be with them in a special, tangible way. O Lord, Your understanding knows no limit, and I ask that You minister to their needs, and show me how to bless them from afar. Amen.