Prayer For Snow


Praise You for the seasonal change that so many of us witness first hand each year. Even though we can predict an inevitable shift in weather, each time a new wave of beauty ushers onto the scene we are reminded of the amazing way You have created the earth. The beauty in each season reminds us of Your creativity and finite care for life, especially ours.

Winter brings it's own set of characteristic landscape, with blankets of snow and powdery tree branches. Though the winter storms batter us and chill us to the bone, the sun shines onto the sparkling snow thereafter, reminding us that You make beauty out of all things.

Your creation is marvelous. It has the power to pull us out of the doldrums. Thank You for Your faithfulness to remind us through Psalm 74 today how powerful our remembrance of Your character is. Even in the darkest depressive state, buried under a snowfall that has turned shoveled sidewalks into tunnels, we know that worship can spin our hearts on a dime.

New change is exciting at first, as is every new season that ushers in. It's easy to let the excitement of the first snowfall and the Christmas Season fuel our childlike wonder for the change of Fall to Winter. A White Christmas and the sound of kids sledding brings refreshing change to our souls. But once the twinkling lights of Christmas have faded, and the first snowfall has drifted away into dead grass and gray skies, we struggle to remember the glory of this particular season.

Forgive us for allowing the cold, gray skies and short dark winter days to steal the joy of our hearts. Help use extra downtime to restore our energy and slow our schedules. Soften our hearts to look beyond the inconvenience of the season. For we know that without the tiring lag of the current season, the next one wouldn't be so welcome and exciting of a change.

Thank You for brining us to another Winter, and another New Year. Resolutions can seem like impossible tasks to take on when it's cold outside and the lack of daylight makes the days seem shorter.You are the Architect of the seasons. The Architect of our hearts. You have gone before us, and know what lies ahead. You are a good Father, and Your love for us is perfect. We can trust You to pull us through the winter.

Bless us with hearts more like Jesus, patient and perseverant. Watch over our cloud of despair that threatens to set in with the gray skies. Bring bright memories of sunshine and warmth to the top of our minds when we need to be reminded that just as sure as the winter came, it will go. Help us to enjoy every day You bless us with on this earth, seeking Your purpose first, and always, through every kind of weather.

In Jesus Name,


Heavenly Father, it's still dark outside, but there's a glow-an aura, a lightness outside that makes this early morning different than most. Indeed, the blanket of fresh, pure, undisturbed snow commands my attention even as it compels me to exalt, praise and glorify your name.
Oh my Father, you've made all things for your pleasure, bidding and renown-including snow-and one Day when Jesus finishes his work, every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them will sing, To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, forever and ever!' (Revelation 4:13)
Because the gospel is true, I join that chorus today. Snow-praise sings the wonder of the washing and covering I fully enjoy in Jesus. I am filled with awe and adoration as I look outside this morning, Father, for all of my sins-past, present and future in word, thought and deed-have already been blanketed because of your mercy and grace. You have given Jesus as my Judgment Day my Day of the Lord my Jubilee. I now look into my Judge's face and find a Savior there!
Heart beat with astonishment! Mind think on such glory! Imagination ponder the beauty! Mouth shout his praises! Hands be lifted to heaven! Feet dance to his glory!
Because the gospel is true, everything changes. Sea creatures become like puppies at play lighting and hail, hail your power and sovereignty fruit trees point to the Tree of Life in the New Jerusalem-with its healing leaves and fruit-of-the-month splendor (Rev. 22:2) wild animals are preparing to cuddle cattle all kings are already serving the ultimate purposes of THE King everything changes, because the gospel is true.
Father, Son and Holy Spirit I praise you for this snowy morning so very Amen, I pray, with great joy, in Jesus' magnificent and merciful name.

Let us pray to God, Saint Ditimar, Saint Bernard and all the saints

From long lift lines and cranky people,

Good Lord, deliver us.

From stopped lifts and smoky cabins,

Good Lord, deliver us.

From sleet, graupel and freezing rain,

Good Lord, deliver us.

From sub-zero weather and negative wind chills,

Good Lord, deliver us.

From frozen fingers, toes and noses,

Spare us, Good Lord.

From broken bindings and bent poles,

Spare us, Good Lord.

From snow-cat ice and boiler plate,

Spare us, Good Lord.

From caught edges and death cookies,

Spare us, Good Lord.

For sunny days and long ski runs,

We pray to you, O God.

For warm toes, fingers and cores,

We pray to you, O God.

For hot chocolate and warm coffee,

We pray to you, O God.

For great uphill skinning, and safe and fun telemarking and riding,

We pray to you, O God.

For well-maintained trails,

We pray to you, O God.

For outdoor rides on VAST and happy walks with dogs,

We pray to you, O God.

For a safe season, that we all end up in one piece,

We pray to you, O God.

That you may protect all who work on the mountainsthe Guys in Black, lift operators, ski patrollers, the Killington Rescue Squad, and EMTs

We pray to you, O God.

For all these things and those we do not know to ask,

We pray to you, O God.

God of creation, thank you for the beauty of winter- for snow, icy window panes, evergreen trees, warm coats, sledding, and hot cocoa. Let us enjoy Your creation in all its glory, this winter and always.

Oh Lord, let it snow.
Let it drift and let it blow.
In the morning, no real fuss,
Just enough to stop the bus.
Enough to make the county say:
"There will be no school today."
Let the radio report: "Snow's deep!"
And I'll roll over for more sleep.
Then later on, say maybe ten,
I'll turn the radio on again.
Just in time to hear them say:
"It's strange, the snow has gone away."
And then I'll know, You made it stop.
So I can go to the mall and shop.
Please Lord, just hear my teacher's plea,
And make it snow for the kids and me.

O God, our heavenly Father, whose glory fills the whole creation, and whose presence we find wherever we go: Preserve those who travel (through snow and on ice); surround them with your loving care; protect them from every danger; and bring them in safety to their journey's end; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.