Prayer For Social Workers

Bless them in the work they do for our patients, residents and clients across the system. They are advocates for those we serve and their families with the staff and physicians.

Social Workers lend themselves to listening not only with their ears but with their hearts to determine the myriad of needs to be filled. They are educators and provide direction to those in need as our residents, clients, patients and families attempt to maneuver through the complexities of health care.

As an integral part of the team they provide the bridge to outside resources and services so that those we serve may benefit from uninterrupted care and are enabled to continue their healing.

We ask You to protect each of them to provide them with sufficient grace to be your hands and feet as they care for our mothers and their children, the elderly, the sick and dying and all Your children with special needs.

God, we pray for all the people across the country who work in social services. Please bless them in their tireless efforts to serve those who need it most. Renew their strength and commitment. Restore them with your abundant love. Amen.

Give me a spirit like Yours

To use the skill You've given me.

Help me to be patient and use

Wisdom to provide the best service I can.

Give me a discerning spirit

To help me make good choices.

Help me to be accepting of those

Who are different from me.

Help me to see the strength in those that I serve

And treat them with utmost dignity and respect.

Help me to see the uniqueness of all individuals

And his or her right to self determination.

Help me to see the blessing in being

Kind to those who are in need

And help me to be like You,

The Ultimate Social Worker.

In Your name I pray

O God, I sometimes think that I have the hardest job of all, because what I am really trying to do is to make bad people good and to make foolish people wise.

Help me never to lose patience; never to abandon hope; never to regard anyone with loathing or contempt; and never to stop caring.

Make me always sympathetic to failure; patient with folly; firm with shiftlessness; stern to cruelty; and resolute against those who make vice and evil easier for others.

Above all, never let love grow cold within my heart.

Lord Jesus, You came to seek and to save which was lost, and it is Your work that I am still trying to do.


Father God,

I'm your humble servant but i'm exhausted,weary and I feel burn out and confused.I'm scared father I don't know how else to help the families I work with I see so much so sorrow, pain and hardship. And I cannot take it anymore. I try to do what I can but lately it feels i'm powerless and the leaders who are supposed to take lead at work seem absent when needed most.

I'm so small and I just feel like the work I do though helpful goes unnoticed.

Give me the courage to know that you fortify me with strength and your will has a purpose for me. Please help me to realize that everything I do for you today is because you put me there. Father God please protect me from my enemies keep me safe from those that would speak unkindly of me.Please help my families and all social workers who trying to help those that society turns a blind eye towards.

Father God please provide me with a divine intervention to help me at the right opportunity. It was said ask and it will be given to and the door shall be opened.

Father Please help my families find PEACE in you..
Father Please help me find PEACE in you.
Father restore joy in my soul.
Father restore laughter in my being.
Father send the holy spirit to help me remember the promises you made to your children. You are the rock and yours is the glory and you will always stand the test of time forever and ever. You are the alpha and the omega.
Father God bless my relationships with my family, boyfriend, and co-workers.
Father declare your healing over this quivering heart and bind up the wounds in heart.
Father let me sleep and have good dreams of wonder and exploration.
Father grant me clarity and the ability to make sound decisions.
Father forgive me of anger towards others when they themselves are simply hurting.
Father heal the ill and those who suffer either mentally or physically.
Father heal the emotional wounds within my family and help them to become united rather then fragmented.
Father please let my brother be maintaining his sobriety.
Father watch over my mother and keep safe and free from financial worry.
Father I pray for the widows and those who have lost loved ones.
Father I pray for all my children.
Father God please shine a light for me.
I pray for the family this suffering because they are afraid of losing their home.

Guide me father God.
I'm here always faithful and ever loving.
I love you and I pray this prayer for the highest good and the good of all involved.

Your child

Merciful God, You have called people to care for the poor, downtrodden, and suffering. Be with all social workers as they go about their duties today. Help them listen compassionately to the people in need of their services. Aid them in discerning what support and guidance each case needs. Lift them up when they fell crushed under the load of so much misery. Renew them when they start to feel burned out. Give them zeal when their enthusiasm for the work starts waning. Help them not to become cynical and jaded, but more empathetic and hopeful.

We pray that they will look to You for continuing passion, faith, generosity, and selfless giving. We pray that they will bring the Person of Christ to all they encounter. We pray that they will build up the Kingdom of God by their words, actions, and love towards the most needy. Amen.